The table below is best viewed at horizontal orientation on your device.

Last Name First Name Major
Adams Natalie Nursing - BSN
Adams Alexis Nursing - BSN
Addis Olivia Nursing - BSN
Adeyemo Mofeyifoluwa Psychology - BA
Adu-Gyamfi Asiedua Nursing - BSN
Agro Olivia Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Alcorn Dahlia Social Work - BSW
Aldrich Noel Psychology - BS
Alger Montannah Health Sciences - BS
Allen Izabelle Health Services Admin - BS
Allen Margaret Psychology - BS
Allen Emily Social Work - BSW
Aller Carleigh Health Sciences - BS
Allison Elizabeth Psychology - BA
Almeda Nathalie Kinesiology - BS
Anania Elizabeth Psychology - BS
Anders Haley Nursing - BSN
Andris Brooke Nursing - BSN
Angioli Leah Health Sciences - BS
Ardouny Christopher Psychology - BS
Armeni Brooke Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Armstrong Jenna Kinesiology - BS
Arnoldy Andrew Kinesiology - BS
Asgari Kayla Health Sciences - BS
Atiya Danna Health Sciences - BS
Bailess Arianna Nursing - BSN
Baker Ava Nursing - BSN
Ballinger Leah Psychology - BS
Balzano Samantha Kinesiology - BS
Barnes Jordan Nursing - BSN
Barnes Rachel Psychology - BS
Baron Zachary Psychology - BS
Barrow Naja Psychology - BA
Bartlett Alexandra Psychology - BS
Bartling Leanna Kinesiology - BS
Bass Morgan Health Sciences - BS
Bassett Hannah Psychology - BS
Battaglia Julia Psychology - BS
Battitori Lucciano Kinesiology - BS
Baumhover Elliana Nursing - BSN
Bayne Pamela Health Sciences - BS
Beach Janalee Kinesiology - BS
Becker Naomi Social Work - BSW
Beddard Alexandra Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Bednar Katherine Kinesiology - BS
Beeckler Riley Nursing - BSN
Bennett Lilly Health Sciences - BS
Bergel Xanthe Social Work - BSW
Berger Braden Psychology - BS
Berger Sophie Psychology - BS
Bibb Raya Nursing - BSN
Bisson Jenna Psychology - BS
Bissonnette Camden Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Bjorge Devon Health Sciences - BS
Blair Camryn Psychology - BS
Blass Marisa Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Bochis Madeline Nursing - BSN
Bogda Alexa Health Sciences - BS
Boissiere Sydney Psychology - BA
Borja Michael Psychology - BS
Bork John Psychology - BS
Bower Caroline Psychology - BS
Bowling Payton Health Sciences - BS
Bowman Anna Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Brazina Joseph Psychology - BS
Brendel Madelyn Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Bressert Sophia Health Sciences - BS
Britt Lauren Psychology - BS
Brock Jazmin Psychology - BS
Bromley Katie Nursing - BSN
Brooks Kylie Health Sciences - BS
Brosnan Kaitlyn Psychology - BA
Brown Kristen Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Brown Riley Health Sciences - BS
Brown Ryan Psychology - BA
Brown Shannon Psychology - BA
Brownie Julia Nursing - BSN
Broyles Jessica Nursing - BSN
Brunk Kelsie Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Bryant Zoe Health Sciences - BS
Bucklew Samantha Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Buie Sara Psychology - BS
Burke Katelyn Nursing - BSN
Burns Samantha Kinesiology - BS
Burton Aspen Health Sciences - BS
Bustamante Elissa Psychology - BS
Butler Audrey Nursing - BSN
Caballero Pamela Nursing - BSN
Caldwell Abbie Kinesiology - BS
Caldwell Emma Social Work - BSW
Cambra Kaitlyn Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Canlas Keren Nursing - BSN
Cantor Kyle Psychology - BA
Capps Kaylee Psychology - BS
Caravello Destiny Nursing - BSN
Carlson Ann Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Caroland Presley Psychology - BS
Carr Isabella Health Sciences - BS
Carr Geneva Health Sciences - BS
Carroll Francesca Health Sciences - BS
Case Jaden Psychology - BA
Cashion Rebekah Health Sciences - BS
Cason Amber Nursing - BSN
Cattie Sean Psychology - BA
Cavotta Ava Psychology - BA
Chan Allison Nursing - BSN
Cheifetz Jason Psychology - BS
Chepul Ella Psychology - BA
Chittum Evelyn Nursing - BSN
Cho Diann Nursing - BSN
Chow Alison Nursing - BSN
Ciampini Courtney Kinesiology - BS
Cirlos Sydney Psychology - BA
Cislo Meadowe Psychology - BA
Clarke Rachel Nursing - BSN
Clouse Rebekah Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Cochrane Taylor Psychology - BS
Cocks Summer Psychology - BS
Coffey Lauren Nursing - BSN
Cogliandro Daniel Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Colton Emma Nursing - BSN
Colucci Grace Health Sciences - BS
Colucci Alyssa Psychology - BA
Compton Grace Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Conant Virginia Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Conley Caitlin Nursing - BSN
Connole Lauren Nursing - BSN
Cook Sarah Health Sciences - BS
Cooley Madison Health Sciences - BS
Coombs Madeline Health Sciences - BS
Corbett Maelyn Nursing - BSN
Cork Skylar Psychology - BS
Corman Hunter Psychology - BS
Correa Berumen Mayra Nursing - BSN
Craig Jessica Psychology - BA
Crawford Caitlin Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Creason Grace Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Cropper Sydney Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Crouse Hailey Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Custer Aleigh Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Custis Madison Health Services Admin - BS
Cutchins Wyndsor Health Services Admin - BS
Daley Corinne Nursing - BSN
Dalilaltojari Sadaf Psychology - BS
Dalrymple Lauren Nursing - BSN
Darling Isabella Psychology - BS
Davis Hannah Nursing - BSN
de Kanter Cristina Nursing - BSN
Deacon William Nursing - BSN
Dealdo Alexander Matthew Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Dean Samantha Social Work - BSW
Deane Sarah Health Sciences - BS
Dellisanti Danielle Nursing - BSN
Denton Anabelle Psychology - BS
DeValle Caden Health Sciences - BS
Devitt Kasey Nursing - BSN
DiCarlo Allison Psychology - BS
DiLaura Isabella Psychology - BS
Dinh Lisa Nursing - BSN
Dirth Ava Psychology - BS
Dise Castella Nursing - BSN
Dobberstein Alexis Psychology - BS
Dodge Anna Health Sciences - BS
Donlon Madilyn Psychology - BS
Donovan Madison Kinesiology - BS
Doody Georgia Nursing - BSN
Downey Annemarie Kinesiology - BS
Doyle Piper Health Services Admin - BS
Driscoll Grace Psychology - BS
Dua Jacqueline Health Services Admin - BS
Duffy Michaela Nursing - BSN
Dunn Emily Psychology - BA
Dupes Carly Nursing - BSN
Eakin Mariah Health Sciences - BS
Eanes Emily Dietetics - BS
Eck Emily Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Edwards Lily Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Edwards Brooke Health Sciences - BS
El Sawalhi Nour Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Elgin William Kinesiology - BS
Emler Logan Nursing - BSN
Enfinger David Kinesiology - BS
Ertel Bridgette Psychology - BS
Escalera Romero Luis Psychology - BA
Ewing Emily Psychology - BS
Fawcett Julia Health Services Admin - BS
Federico Sophie Psychology - BA
Fens Julie Nursing - BSN
Fieldsend Jeanette Social Work - BSW
Figart Erin Health Sciences - BS
Finnigan Delaney Health Sciences - BS
Fitzmaurice James Psychology - BS
Flamme Abigail Health Services Admin - BS
Fleet Kirsten Kinesiology - BS
Fleetwood Rebecca Psychology - BS
Fletcher Ryan Psychology - BA
Flick Julia Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Flohre Riley Kinesiology - BS
Ford Faith Dietetics - BS
Fornash Grace Nursing - BSN
Fortner Ainslee Health Sciences - BS
Foster Maya Health Sciences - BS
Freitag Alin Social Work - BSW
Fritsche Elizabeth Social Work - BSW
Fuller Caroline Nursing - BSN
Gallahue Caitlin Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Garnica Barrera Selena Social Work - BSW
Garst Magdalena Health Sciences - BS
Garvert Erin Health Sciences - BS
Gehley Matthew Psychology - BS
Geller Elise Health Sciences - BS
Gibbons Ava Health Sciences - BS
Gilbert Riley Nursing - BSN
Gilbreath Alyssa Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Godbold Theodora Nursing - BSN
Gogan Marina Kinesiology - BS
Goldfeder Andrew Psychology - BS
Goldfeder Kevin Psychology - BS
Goldstone Hayley Social Work - BSW
Good Julia Social Work - BSW
Goodling Kaylin Health Sciences - BS
Goodwin Hannah Psychology - BS
Goshime Samrawit Nursing - BSN
Graby Evan Health Sciences - BS
Graham Sydney Nursing - BSN
Green Anna Health Sciences - BS
Green Mattingly Psychology - BS
Grenfell Natalie Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Grieco Mia Kinesiology - BS
Grimes Samantha Psychology - BS
Grunwell Allison Kinesiology - BS
Gustavson Megan Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Haas Morgan Psychology - BS
Hall Sienna Nursing - BSN
Hamilton Liza Health Sciences - BS
Hamilton Taylor Nursing - BSN
Hamlett Gracelyn Nursing - BSN
Hammersley Bryce Health Services Admin - BS
Hancock Sierra Health Sciences - BS
Hannah Morgan Nursing - BSN
Harlow Nicole Nursing - BSN
Harman Ella Kinesiology - BS
Harney Rachel Nursing - BSN
Harris Katelyn Nursing - BSN
Hartley Ann Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Hartmann Genna Health Sciences - BS
Hayes Colby Health Sciences - BS
Hazlegrove Allison Kinesiology - BS
Heddings Alyssa Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Hengelsberg Ella Psychology - BS
Hennigan Makensie Health Sciences - BS
Hernandez Juliza Nursing - BSN
Hernandez Fuentes Rosselin Psychology - BA
Herzog Olivia Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Heslep Jonathan Kinesiology - BS
Higginbotham Elizabeth Nursing - BSN
Higgins Kaleigh Psychology - BA
Hildebrand Abigail Health Services Admin - BS
Hinshaw Elizabeth Psychology - BS
Hinson Erika Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Hoder Emily Psychology - BS
Hodges Madelyn Kinesiology - BS
Hogarth Anya Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Hoggatt Alyssa Nursing - BSN
Holland Finley Nursing - BSN
Holmes Rachael Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Homem Lauren Social Work - BSW
Honeywell Sallie Nursing - BSN
Horgan Samantha Psychology - BS
Hosseini Kayla Health Sciences - BS
Houtz Adriana Nursing - BSN
Howell Emilie Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Howell Abigayle Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Hren Emma Psychology - BS
Hubbard Luke Nursing - BSN
Huff Clara Nursing - BSN
Huffman Elizabeth Social Work - BSW
Hughes Adam Psychology - BS
Hummel Carli Nursing - BSN
Hunter Emma Kinesiology - BS
Husseini Sara Health Sciences - BS
Huszcza Elizabeth Nursing - BSN
Hutchens Alycia Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Hwang Emily Social Work - BSW
Hyde Emma Health Sciences - BS
Ilsley Landon Health Sciences - BS
Irons Maria Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Irvin Addison Health Sciences - BS
Jacobs Holly Health Services Admin - BS
Jaguaco Emily Nursing - BSN
Jakubik Sydney Psychology - BS
Jalali Angelina Social Work - BSW
Janiga Gianna Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Jank Julia Dietetics - BS
Janoschka Caroline Social Work - BSW
Jarvis Savannah Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Jennings Meredith Health Sciences - BS
Jennings Hailey Health Sciences - BS
Jimenez Daniel Health Sciences - BS
Jimenez Guifarro Ethel Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Jimmo Gracie Psychology - BS
Johnson Molly Health Sciences - BS
Johnson Alexa Kinesiology - BS
Johnson Rachael Psychology - BS
Johnson Jessica Psychology - BS
Jones Audrey Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Jones Payton Kinesiology - BS
Jones Emily Nursing - BSN
Jones Natalie Psychology - BS
Jones Ansley Psychology - BS
Jordan Madelyn Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Julian Kylie Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Kaestner Hannah Health Sciences - BS
Kagan Lindsay Dietetics - BS
Kahriger Abigail Health Sciences - BS
Kalenichenko Katie Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Kalinowski Ella Nursing - BSN
Kaminski Thomas Health Services Admin - BS
Kelly Carter Health Sciences - BS
Kemon Jessica Nursing - BSN
Kennedy Carlisle Dietetics - BS
Kennedy Sarah Health Sciences - BS
Kerr Hannah Nursing - BSN
Ketterer Madison Health Sciences - BS
Keyes Elijah Psychology - BS
Keyser Aaron Psychology - BS
Khajavi Ali Health Sciences - BS
Khan Rida Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Khan Doha Health Services Admin - BS
Kim Ethan Health Sciences - BS
Kim Abigail Nursing - BSN
King Gillian Nursing - BSN
Kinkead Clara Nursing - BSN
Kinzer David Psychology - BS
Kirkland Molly Social Work - BSW
Koch Madison Nursing - BSN
Koenig Madeline Health Services Admin - BS
Kofroth Sydney Nursing - BSN
Konsoulas Christina Psychology - BS
Koryeyon Assia Psychology - BS
Kotarski Julianna Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Kraehmer Layla Health Sciences - BS
Kron Katherine Nursing - BSN
Krough Sydney Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Kubacki Jordan Health Sciences - BS
Kurtz Jessica Nursing - BSN
Kwak Elizabeth Dietetics - BS
LaCava Eric Kinesiology - BS
LaFountain Emma Psychology - BS
Lam Alexis Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Langill Carolyn Nursing - BSN
Larkin Jordan Health Sciences - BS
Larson Phoebe Nursing - BSN
Lattimer Miranda Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Laughlin Abigail Nursing - BSN
Leonard Lindsay Dietetics - BS
Leonard Ryleigh Kinesiology - BS
Levine Lauren Health Sciences - BS
Levine Addison Psychology - BS
Liccione Gabrielle Health Sciences - BS
Lieberman Julia Kinesiology - BS
Liggins Joshua Health Sciences - BS
Limongelli Mia Kinesiology - BS
Loftus Erika Health Services Admin - BS
Logel Amanda Nursing - BSN
Lopes Isabel Dietetics - BS
Love Shana Dietetics - BS
Lucas Lily Nursing - BSN
Luck Ashley Psychology - BS
Lupfer Renee Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Mackie SheaLauren Social Work - BSW
Mackiewicz Amber Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Maguire Abigail Health Services Admin - BS
Mahone Ellascott Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Major Taylor Nursing - BSN
Makowski Tomas Health Sciences - BS
Malady Julia Social Work - BSW
Maloney Madeline Health Sciences - BS
Mamoud Julia Health Sciences - BS
Manning Kendall Nursing - BSN
Manocchio Alyssa Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Marchant Logan Kinesiology - BS
Marino Giavanna Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Marnell Katherine Health Sciences - BS
Martin Kylie Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Martin Patricia Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Marty Alexandria Nursing - BSN
Maschio Josephine Nursing - BSN
Mason Alyson Nursing - BSN
Matthies Abigail Nursing - BSN
Mayberry Rachel Nursing - BSN
Mazur Rachel Dietetics - BS
McCabe Keira Psychology - BA
McCarron Lindsay Health Services Admin - BS
McClary Megan Nursing - BSN
McGovern Taylor Nursing - BSN
McGrath Theresa Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
McGrath Madeline Nursing - BSN
McKinney Cameron Psychology - BS
Medeiros Jocelyn Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Megginson Emma Health Sciences - BS
Mencarini Courtney Nursing - BSN
Merrill Savannah Nursing - BSN
Meyer Carina Nursing - BSN
Mica Erin Psychology - BA
Middleton Abigail Psychology - BS
Miller Cooper Health Sciences - BS
Miller Micah Health Sciences - BS
Miller Kellsye Health Sciences - BS
Miller Arissa Nursing - BSN
Mistretta Emma Psychology - BS
Mitchell Abby Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Mizelle Abigail Nursing - BSN
Molinari Lopez Tania Psychology - BA
Monge Gianna Kinesiology - BS
Montano-Arias Kimberly Health Sciences - BS
Moore Mateo Dietetics - BS
Moore Adrianna Psychology - BA
Moore Emma Psychology - BS
Morico Kimberly Psychology - BS
Morris Kara Nursing - BSN
Morrison Emma Nursing - BSN
Motkin Jillian Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Moulin Emma Health Sciences - BS
Mozucha Madilyn Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Murphy Shannon Psychology - BA
Murray Jamie Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Muscarella Frank Health Sciences - BS
Musser Lia Psychology - BS
Myers Kylie Nursing - BSN
Myers Mary Nursing - BSN
Myers Kinsley Social Work - BSW
Najeeb Iman Health Services Admin - BS
Napoleone Kaylynne Kinesiology - BS
Nelson Raeanne Dietetics - BS
Nelson Emma Social Work - BSW
Nester Allison Social Work - BSW
Neumann Natalie Health Sciences - BS
Nguyen Emily Nursing - BSN
Nichols Haylie Psychology - BS
Nicotra Julia Health Sciences - BS
Novak Abigail Psychology - BS
Novinger Ann Psychology - BS
Novotny Gwendolyn Health Services Admin - BS
Nuckols Rylie Nursing - BSN
Nuer Abony Nursing - BSN
Nurmi Christian Health Services Admin - BS
O'Bier Jack Social Work - BSW
Oddiah Mariah Psychology - BS
O'Grady Colleen Kinesiology - BS
O'Mera Madelyn Health Sciences - BS
Oren Grace Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Orr Elizabeth Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Ostrander Jordyn Nursing - BSN
Ostrowski Elizabeth Nursing - BSN
Oudine Lauren Dietetics - BS
Owen Stephanie Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Owings Meghan Psychology - BS
Palacios Jessica Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Paladino Avery Psychology - BA
Palmer Emily Social Work - BSW
Palmucci Christina Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Park Eliza Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Parker Lara Psychology - BS
Parsons Daniel Psychology - BS
Passerell Lauren Social Work - BSW
Passy Caroline Health Sciences - BS
Patel Rachna Psychology - BS
Payne Kendall Nursing - BSN
Peery Carter Psychology - BS
Pennington Alyssa Nursing - BSN
Peter Charlotte Psychology - BA
Peterson Jaime Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Phan Laura Health Sciences - BS
Phillips Alexandra Health Services Admin - BS
Piasecki Julia Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Pierce Anna Psychology - BS
Pilson Elise Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Pinchbeck Lily Psychology - BS
Pirzadeh Niki Health Sciences - BS
Pluma Ferrer Nayelis Nursing - BSN
Pontecorvo Alyssa Health Sciences - BS
Poteat Jackson Kinesiology - BS
Powell Hunter Health Services Admin - BS
Powers Elizabeth Health Sciences - BS
Pulizzi Anthony Nursing - BSN
Puryear Kennedy Nursing - BSN
Quach Hung Health Sciences - BS
Quinn Alexandra Psychology - BA
Radford Adeline Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Radics Marisa Health Sciences - BS
Ramsey Ethan Psychology - BA
Reap Elise Kinesiology - BS
Rehpelz Anna Nursing - BSN
Reinhardt Victoria Psychology - BA
Rensberger Maeve Nursing - BSN
Richardson Caitlin Nursing - BSN
Richmond Megan Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Rieck Jenna Health Services Admin - BS
Rijksen Isabelle Health Sciences - BS
Riley Isabella Nursing - BSN
Roberson Emma Psychology - BA
Robinson McKaya Social Work - BSW
Roche Nora Psychology - BA
Roellke Jessica Nursing - BSN
Rogers Lydia Nursing - BSN
Rogers Lindsey Nursing - BSN
Roman-Flores Naara Psychology - BS
Rongo Olivia Psychology - BS
Rose Caitlyn Psychology - BS
Rowe Matthew Health Sciences - BS
Rowe Elizabeth Nursing - BSN
Ruhl Sarah Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Ryan Ryleigh Health Sciences - BS
Sahakian Elaina Health Services Admin - BS
Sahonero Cindy Nursing - BSN
Salinas Sofia Psychology - BA
Salomone Gabrielle Health Sciences - BS
Salus Haven Psychology - BA
Salvati Mia Health Sciences - BS
Salyer Kaitlyn Nursing - BSN
Sandridge Natalie Health Sciences - BS
Savage Lauren Health Sciences - BS
Scanlan Amanda Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Scheeren Lily Health Sciences - BS
Schilling Alton Kinesiology - BS
Schoefer Emma Nursing - BSN
Schoolfield Kailey Nursing - BSN
Schreyer Mary Nursing - BSN
Scudder Morgan Nursing - BSN
Scutti Dominique Health Sciences - BS
Sealy Jessica Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Seybold Ann Marie Psychology - BS
Shaffer Emma Psychology - BS
Sharkey Lauren Nursing - BSN
Sharp Mackenzie Psychology - BA
Shepherd Abbie Social Work - BSW
Sherry Niamh Health Sciences - BS
Shifflett Anabel Social Work - BSW
Shortridge Megan Nursing - BSN
Shultz Kamrin Health Sciences - BS
Simon Ethan Psychology - BS
Simon Emily Psychology - BS
Singh Anika Nursing - BSN
Skinner Victoria Health Services Admin - BS
Sloane Helen Psychology - BS
Slone Margaret Psychology - BA
Sloop Caroline Nursing - BSN
Smalfelt Jasper Psychology - BS
Small Grace Kinesiology - BS
Smith Abigail Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Smith Kelci Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Smith Emma Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Smith Drew Kinesiology - BS
Smith Quintin Nursing - BSN
Smith Rainey Psychology - BA
Smith Sierra Psychology - BS
Smithson Lauren Psychology - BA
Smola Maitland Psychology - BA
Solomon Bethlehem Health Sciences - BS
Soto Hailey Psychology - BS
Spampinato Julia Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Spinelli Courtney Psychology - BS
Springs Jayde Nursing - BSN
Stade Margaret Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Stanley Ashleigh Psychology - BS
Stark Laura Psychology - BA
Steele Samantha Psychology - BS
Stein Molly Social Work - BSW
Steward Mae Psychology - BS
Stives Kiersten Kinesiology - BS
Stjepanovic Marko Kinesiology - BS
Stocks Wren Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Straub Allison Health Sciences - BS
Strohecker Emma Nursing - BSN
Stroud Sophia Kinesiology - BS
Sullivan Meaghan Social Work - BSW
Supriadi Ramaniya Health Sciences - BS
Swartley Alyssa Health Sciences - BS
Swartz Trinity Psychology - BA
Sweet Riley Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Symington Kathryn Psychology - BS
Symons Zachary Kinesiology - BS
Tait Morgan Psychology - BS
Tan Jordan Psychology - BA
Taylor Catherine Nursing - BSN
Terman Elisa Nursing - BSN
Terracina Anna Health Sciences - BS
Thatcher Julia Nursing - BSN
Thielen Kira Nursing - BSN
Thomas Brooke Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Thomas Jada Health Sciences - BS
Thomas Danielle Nursing - BSN
Thompson Katherine Dietetics - BS
Thompson Danielle Health Sciences - BS
Thompson Carly Nursing - BSN
Thompson Riley Psychology - BS
Thompson Dillinger Shannon Health Services Admin - BS
Thornes Taylor Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Tokarchic Kara Psychology - BS
Toppel Ella Psychology - BS
Toppen Kathryn Health Sciences - BS
Torlucci Liana Health Sciences - BS
Townley Sara Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Tran Amanda Social Work - BSW
Tribiano Katherine Psychology - BS
Triggiano Emma Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Unnerstall Madison Nursing - BSN
Utter Kelsey Psychology - BS
Vacca Amelia Psychology - BS
Valentin Abigail Nursing - BSN
VanAllman Shannon Nursing - BSN
VanLear Anna Social Work - BSW
Varela Ashley Psychology - BS
Varner Makenna Nursing - BSN
Vazquez Julissah Social Work - BSW
Venditti Samantha Health Sciences - BS
Vidal Tali Dietetics - BS
Vigil Raquel Kinesiology - BS
Vincent Carsyn Health Sciences - BS
Waag Ellen Health Sciences - BS
Wagner Olivia Nursing - BSN
Walker Riley Nursing - BSN
Wallace Shelby Nursing - BSN
Wallner Jillian Social Work - BSW
Walters Bailey Health Sciences - BS
Warlick Elaina Psychology - BS
Warren Alexandra Psychology - BS
Washburn Kayla Health Sciences - BS
Watson Emily Psychology - BS
Watts Charles Psychology - BS
Weatherholtz John Turner Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Webb Sylvia Health Services Admin - BS
Wescott Ryan Nursing - BSN
Wesolowski Ella Social Work - BSW
Westfall Logan Psychology - BS
Westfall Emma Psychology - BS
Wheeler Trey Health Sciences - BS
White Christopher Health Services Admin - BS
Whitenack Kyleigh Health Sciences - BS
Wieczorek Kylie Health Sciences - BS
Wilder Charlotte Nursing - BSN
Wilkins Cole Health Sciences - BS
Wilkins Mary Nursing - BSN
Williams Atiana Health Sciences - BS
Williams Lydia Health Sciences - BS
Williams Richard Health Sciences - BS
Williams Fiona Health Sciences - BS
Williams Hope Nursing - BSN
Williamson Aidan Psychology - BA
Wilson Reagan Health Services Admin - BS
Wilson Alexandra Kinesiology - BS
Wiltz Caroline Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Wisnieski Veronica Social Work - BSW
Wolaver Carter Health Sciences - BS
Woods Molly Nursing - BSN
Woolard Elizabeth Psychology - BS
Woolard Rylee Social Work - BSW
Woolley Jamison Nursing - BSN
Woolston Julia Psychology - BS
Wuethrich Hayley Nursing - BSN
Xu Amanda Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Yancy Molly Health Sciences - BS
Yenser Lauren Health Sciences - BS
Zebosky Danielle Psychology - BS
Zeiger Adeline Health Services Admin - BS
Zettlemoyer Claire Psychology - BS
Zonts Susannah Dietetics - BS
Zrenda Arallyn Psychology - BS

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