Presidential Commission and Committees of the University and their chairs are listed below.
Graduate Council - Chair, Linda Thomas
Athletic Advisory Committee - Roger Soenksen
Committee on Academic Programs - Sarah MacDonald
Employee Advisory Committee -
Co-Chair, Chris Ouren
Co-Chair, Kerri Wilson
Engagement Advisory Group
Co-Chair, Cindy Chiarello
Co-Chair, David Kirkpatrick
Honor Council Advisory Board - Michael Yankey
Honorary Degree Committee - Bob Kolvoord
Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee - Chris Lantz
Institutional Biosafety Committee
Chair, Terrie Rife
Vice Chair, Chris Berndsen
Institutional Review Board for Research Using Human Subjects
Chair, Lindsey Harvell-Bowman
Vice Chair, Smita Mathur
Intellectual Property Committee - Howard Carrier
JMU Accessibility Committee
Chair - Malika Carter
Chair - Tim Miller
Chair - Towana Moore
JMU Safety Committee - Tony Matos
Media Board - Sian White
President's Council on Health and Well-being
Chair - Kristina Blyer
Chair - Bethany Nowviskie
Presidential Coalition to End Sexual Violence at JMU
Chair - Matthew Ezzell
Parking Advisory Committee - Craig Short
Parking Appeals Committee
Co-Chair, Rose Gray
Co-Chair, John Skelly
Residency Appeals Committee - Donna Crumpton
Work-based Learning Experience Committee
Co-Chair, Libby Westley
Co-Chair, Siân White
Co-Chair, Steve Whitmeyer