The Violence Prevention Team is charged with overseeing the education of the campus community on the prevention of violence on campus. The VPT is a standing committee chaired by the Dean of Students, and includes representatives from Counseling Services, Human Resources, Law Enforcement, University Counsel, Residence Life, Student Accountability and Restorative Practices, and Student Affairs.

The VPT is responsible for ensuring all members of the university community have access to education and guidance regarding recognition of threatening or aberrant behavior that may represent a threat to the community, and identification of members of the campus community to whom threatening behavior should be reported.

JMU Policy 1115: Violence Prevention


To ensure that appropriate policies and procedures are in place at James Madison University for the prevention of violence on campus, including the assessment of and intervention with individuals whose behavior poses a threat to the safety of the campus community.


JMU Shield
JMU Shield is the official safety app of James Madison University. It is the only app that integrates with James Madison University's safety and security systems. JMU Police Department has worked to develop a unique app that provides students, faculty and staff with added safety on the James Madison University campus. The app will send you important safety alerts and provide instant access to campus safety resources.  

Preventing Workplace Violence
All JMU personnel must complete the online Commonwealth of Virginia Employee Required Training within 30 days of hire.  This training is offered via The Commonwealth of Virginia Learning Center (COVLC), and includes Civility in the Workplace and Safety and Disaster Awareness Training.  See the HR Compliance page for more details.

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