The mission of the James Madison University Personal Safety Committee is to promote the safety and security of students, faculty, staff and visitors on the JMU campus.  Towards this ends, the committee will pursue its charge through the following two general types of actions:

Education: The committee will promote the concept of personal responsibility for one's own security and assist in the education of the university community regarding actions that enhance individual safety.

Policy: The committee will make recommendations to the university administration regarding policies and operational procedures for JMU administrative units that create a safer and more secure environment.

Membership will serve a one-year term.

2024 - 2025 Committee Members


Tony Matos, Chief of Police


Holmes Browne, Residence Life

Robin Bryan, Informaton Technology Representative

Cannie Campbell, Constituent Relations Representative

Hilary Cronin, Emergency Services Management

Scott Gallagher, Faculty Senate Representative

Courtney Hodges, Business Services Representative

Ben Lundy, Parking Services Representative

Jennifer Mangan, University Studies

Besi Muhonja, Research & Scholarship

David Parker, College of Business

Ty Phillips, Athletics Representative

Gary Shears, Facilities Management


Jack Knight, University Counsel


To be determined

2023-24 End of Year Report

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