IT Project Portfolio

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Reengineering Madison will dramatically transform our campus technology and platforms, modernizing our systems and business processes.  This initiative will include implementing significant technology platforms such as enterprise CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and new data solutions for managing and visualizing JMU’s data.  Reengineering Madison will also involve replacing current PeopleSoft ERP (Enterprise Resource Management) Finance, Human Resources and Student Administration applications as well as current applications used for managing the identities of JMU’s constituents.  We anticipate this set of projects will take at least seven years to fully implement.

As part of the Reengineering Madison program, JMU seeks to identify principles and implement business processes for expanding our Data Governance program.  This will include creating and publishing data definitions as well as a process for managing data conflicts or issues.

As part of Reengineering Madison, JMU will select a CRM platform to be utilized university wide.  Functionality included will be contact and account management, email and text communications, case management, and self-service capabilities for JMU constituents.  There will also be projects to implement Admissions, Advising/Student Success, and Advancement functionality in the CRM.

The scope of the Advancement CRM workstream will include functionality to manage BioDemo data, Campaigns, Gifts, Prospect Research/Management, Constituent Engagement, Reporting, Events, and Online Giving.

As part of Reengineering Madison, JMU will select and implement new Identity Management technology.  The new solution will include capabilities to support access and governance for all JMU constituent types (students, applicants, employees, alumni, parents, and others) and include self-service capabilities as well as support capabilities for IT.

As part of Reengineering Madison, JMU has selected Salesforce as our platform for a university wide CRM (customer relationship management) system. This solution will include specific functionality for Admissions (in addition to functionality for Advising and Advancement university wide capabilities such as communications, case management, and events.)

Orientation, Advancement, and Undergraduate Admissions use separate systems for Event Management today. As part of the Salesforce integration, we are looking to consolidate all areas to one Event Management System, CVENT. CVENT could also be used in other areas like University Events as they are onboarded into Salesforce. CVENT would integrate with Salesforce to streamline communications and provide a 360-degree view of the student.

The scope of CRM Student Success Phase 3 is to incorporate student servicing departments into CRM. In this phase, we are implementing the Office of the Registrar, Academic Student Services, the Learning Centers and the University Business Office.

The scope of this project is to implement Medicat's hosted (cloud) solution in various clinics and departments across campus to achieve JMU's goal of having one consolidated Electronic Health Record solution. We anticipate this project will take approximately two years to fully implement.

The purpose of this project is to upgrade JMU's telephone systems to a unified communications (UC) telephone system utilizing Voice over the Internet Protocol (VoIP).

The primary purpose of this project is to migrate most data from the N drive (on-prem) to M365 (cloud). There may be exceptions which will be determined and conveyed to leadership. This will provide JMU faculty, staff, and students with user-managed file storage locations that are GLBA compliant where applicable.

Establish GLBA compliance in the short term with Desktop MFA (Duo).

The scope of this project is to implement Medicat's hosted (cloud) EMR solution for Baird Clinic in IIHHS.

The scope of this project is to implement Medicat's hosted (cloud) EMR solution for the Counseling Center.

The scope of this project is to implement Medicat's hosted (cloud) EMR solution for Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) and Interprofessional Services for Learning Assessment (ISLA).

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