JMU Technology Coordinators serve as a contact between your college and/or department and the department of Information Technology. Coordinators and IT staff meet on a monthly basis to share information, ensure an open line of communication, and exchange timely computing updates.
Who can use this Service?
How can I get this Service?
Search the listing for your JMU Technology Coordinator.
Where can I get Help/Support?
Contact your college or departmental technology coordinator about your computing problem or question.
Information Technology Help Desk at (540) 568-3555, IT Service Portal or helpdesk@jmu.edu
Rahman Abdalla abdallrm@jmu.edu (540) 568-6148 |
University Parking Services Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Chad Adams adams2ca@jmu.edu (540) 568-5228 |
Facilities Management Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Debbie Bahr bahrdl@jmu.edu (540) 568-6751 |
Dining Services Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Josh Baugher baughejd@jmu.edu (540) 568-3434 |
Academic Affairs and Provosts Office |
Claire Bergan bergancl@jmu.edu (540) 568-8059 |
Financial Aid and Scholarship Administrative Technology Coordinators |
William Bowser bowserwi@jmu.edu (540) 568-6092 |
Bookstore Services Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Chris Branson bransocr@jmu.edu (540) 568-2744 |
College of Health and Behavioral Studies Academic Technology Coordinators |
Vanessa Breeden breedevr@jmu.edu (540) 568-3813 |
Office of the Registrar Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Wes Breeden breedewp@jmu.edu (540) 568-8014 |
University Business Office Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Adam Breeden breedear@jmu.edu (540) 568-3712 |
University Communications |
Luther Brefo brefolk@jmu.edu (540) 568-4826 |
College of Science and Mathematics Academic Technology Coordinators |
William Brown brownwc@jmu.edu (540) 568-3582 |
Student Affairs Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Derek Buchanan (Math) buchands@jmu.edu (540) 568-3801 |
College of Science and Mathematics Academic Technology Coordinators |
Randy Budnikas budnikrp@jmu.edu (540) 568-5606 |
University Communications |
Laura Busic (Information Services) bakerlk@jmu.edu (540) 568-7086 |
University Advancement |
Doug Chester chestefd@jmu.edu (540) 568-4272 |
Procurement Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Everette Clemmer clemmece@jmu.edu (540) 568-6989 |
Police and Public Safety Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Jake Coffman coffmajr@jmu.edu (540) 568-8710 |
Brandon Crenshaw crenshgb@jmu.edu (540) 568-3981 |
Financial Aid and Scholarship Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Susan Dean deansj@jmu.edu (540) 568-7463 |
Telecommunications Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Shanna Devers deverssl@jmu.edu (540) 568-3131 |
Procurement Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Jonathan Donahue donahujl@jmu.edu (540) 568-7150 |
University Health Center Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Kent Dublar dublerwk@jmu.edu (540) 568-3745 |
University Business Office Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Blaze Ennis ennisbs@jmu.edu (540) 568-4290 |
Libraries Academic Technology Coordinators |
Becca Evans evans2re@jmu.edu (540) 568-7600 |
College of Arts and Letters Academic Technology Coordinators |
Thomas Finnegan finnegtr@jmu.edu (540) 568-7075 |
College of Science and Mathematics Academic Technology Coordinators |
Lee Forbes forbeslg@jmu.edu (540) 568-6619 |
College of Health and Behavioral Studies Academic Technology Coordinators |
Whitney Ford ford2wa@jmu.edu (540) 568-5335 |
University Advancement |
Jeremy Good goodjp@jmu.edu (540) 568-3131 |
Procurement Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Nathan Gray graynw@jmu.edu (540) 568-2879 |
Card Services Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Livia Griffith griffils@jmu.edu (540) 568-2613 |
College of Integrated Science and Engineering Academic Technology Coordinators |
Tori Groene groeneva@jmu.edu (540) 568-4290 |
Libraries Academic Technology Coordinators |
John Gruver (School Media Arts & Design) gruverja@jmu.edu (540) 568-2313 |
College of Arts and Letters Academic Technology Coordinators |
Eric Hansen hansenje@jmu.edu (540) 568-2858 |
Libraries Academic Technology Coordinators |
Bill Hartman hartmacw@jmu.edu (540) 568-7934 |
Libraries Academic Technology Coordinators |
John Hodges (School Media Arts & Design) hodgesjl@jmu.edu (540) 568-6062 |
College of Arts and Letters Academic Technology Coordinators |
Chris Huffman huffmancr@jmu.edu (540) 568-6999 |
Libraries Academic Technology Coordinators |
Jeff Janes janes2jw@jmu.edu (540) 568-6295 |
Dining Services Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Amy Jefferson jefferae@jmu.edu (540) 568-3661 |
Admissions Undergraduate Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Jeye Jenkins (School of Arts, Design, and Art History) jenki3jm@jmu.edu (540) 568-3152 |
College of Arts and Letters Academic Technology Coordinators |
David Jones jonesdh@jmu.edu (540) 568-3067 |
College of Business Academic Technology Coordinators |
Lindsey Kelly kellylp@jmu.edu (540) 568-5617 |
Madison Union |
Tracy Kite kitetl@jmu.edu (540) 568-3193 |
Family Engagement |
Amber Lam lamar@jmu.edu (540) 568-2296 |
Human Resources Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Jinbo Li li35jx@jmu.edu (540) 568-3171 |
College of Education Academic Technology Coordinators |
Joe Manning manninjp@jmu.edu (540) 568-3476 |
Admissions Undergraduate Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Martin Mayiani mayianmm@jmu.edu (540) 568-4045 |
WMRA Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Justin Miller mille3jc@jmu.edu (540) 568-3569 |
College of Education Technology Coordinators |
Brad Monahan monah2be@jmu.edu (540) 568-7759 |
Athletics |
Tyler Mundy mundytj@jmu.edu (540) 568-2837 |
University Health Center Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Christina Myers myerscr@jmu.edu (540) 568-7380 |
Academic Affairs and Provosts Office |
Andrew Neckowitz neckowaj@jmu.edu (540) 568-2502 |
Residence Life Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Stephany Plecker (Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures) pleckesg@jmu.edu (540) 568-3578 |
College of Arts and Letters Academic Technology Coordinators |
Ethan Quach quachel@jmu.edu (540) 568-2815 |
College of Health and Behavioral Studies Academic Technology Coordinators |
Michael Reid reid2ml@jmu.edu (540) 568-3645 |
Facilities Management Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Martha Ringwald ringwama@jmu.edu (540) 568-3644 |
Office of the Registrar Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Becky Rohlf rohlfrl@jmu.edu (540) 568-3640 |
Research, Economic Development, and Innovation (REDI) |
Liz Rose rose2ea@jmu.edu (540) 568-4041 |
Graduate School Academic Technology Coordinators |
Danelle Ross rossds@jmu.edu (540) 568-3911 |
Payroll Services |
Chrissy Rothgeb rothgecw@jmu.edu (540) 568-2629 |
College of Integrated Science and Engineering Academic Technology Coordinators |
Marianne Saeed saeedmt@jmu.edu (540) 568-4866 |
Accounting Technology |
Jacob Scott scott3jc@jmu.edu (540) 568-5231 |
Athletics |
Brittany Sherman sherm2bm@jmu.edu (540) 568-7078 |
Finance |
Barbie Shifflett shifflbm@jmu.edu (540) 568-7414 |
Budget Management |
Winston Shiflet (Physics & Chemistry) shifleww@jmu.edu (540) 568-1651 |
College of Science and Mathematics Academic Technology Coordinators |
John Skelly skellyjm@jmu.edu (540) 568-4696 |
Outreach and Engagement Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Nathan Spencer (Nursing) spencenk@jmu.edu (540) 568-2751 |
College of Health and Behavioral Studies Academic Technology Coordinators |
Greg Spitzer spitzegc@jmu.edu (540) 568-6429 |
Libraries Academic Technology Coordinators |
Angie Steele steeleaw@jmu.edu (540) 568-5150 |
Dining Services Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Wren Stevens (School of Art, Design & Art History) stevenwr@jmu.edu (540) 568-5344 |
College of Visual and Performing Arts Academic Technology Coordinators |
Eddie Tobey tobeyeg@jmu.edu (540) 568-4989 |
Card Services Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Gail Turner turnergx@jmu.edu (540) 568-5042 |
University Advancement |
Joe Urgo urgojt@jmu.edu (540) 568-6725 |
Madison Union |
Darren Weaver weaverds@jmu.edu (540) 568-4291 |
Libraries Academic Technology Coordinators |
Kirk Wesley wesleyka@jmu.edu (540) 568-3809 |
WMRA Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Jim West westjr@jmu.edu (540) 568-7382 |
Libraries Academic Technology Coordinators |
Austin Widelo wideloac@jmu.edu (540) 568-3731 |
Office of the Registrar Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Kent Wise (Kinesiology) wise3ka@jmu.edu (540) 568-3629 |
College of Health and Behavioral Studies Academic Technology Coordinators |
Chris Wszalek wszalecs@jmu.edu (540) 568-7334 |
Bookstore Services Administrative Technology Coordinators |
Christina Wulf wulfcx@jmu.edu (540) 568-6705 |
Disability Services Administrative Technology Coordinators |
David Yang yangsx@jmu.edu (540) 568-6009 |
Center for Assessment Administrative Technology Coordinators |