
At JMU, your account name (sometimes called a “username”) in JMU systems is called your eID, which stands for electronic identification. Your eID, along with your password and Okta Verify, provides you access to online systems and services like mylogin.jmu.edu, MyMadison, Canvas, the JMU Official Wireless network, and more.

If your eID was issued after March 17, 2025, it consists of a combination of randomly generated numbers and letters (for example, a4g99b). Its format does not indicate any identifiable characteristic of you as the identity holder. Your eID is permanent (cannot be changed).

If your eID was issued prior to March 17, 2025, your eID is based on your name and typically represents the first six letters of your last name followed by your first and middle initials (or an X, if you have no middle initial). If another person at JMU shares this combination of letters, then your eID also includes at least one number. If you have an eID in this format, you can keep it and are not required to change to the newer, randomized format.

Who can use this Service?

JMU faculty, staff, students, applicants, and affiliates

How can I get this Service?

JMU eIDs are assigned multiple times daily.

  • For Undergraduate Applicants, your eID is assigned after your application has been submitted and processed by JMU. Your eID remains the same when you become a student.
  • For Graduate Applicants, you will see your eID notification when you become a student within the system (matriculation occurs after your acceptance to the program). Once the matriculation has occurred, you will receive an email from The Graduate School informing you of the eID activation that will occur and next steps. Afterward, you will also receive an email from JMU IT with instructions on how to set up your eID account. See the registrar's calendar for more information on enrollment (registration) dates and times. Matriculation does not occur immediately upon admittance, but closer to class enrollment dates for the term you will begin.
  • For Faculty/Staff, your eID is created when your hiring paperwork has been processed by Payroll and the eID creation process has run. For some employee types, eIDs are created earlier in the hiring process.
  • For Affiliates, your eID is not created automatically and must be requested by the Affiliate’s sponsoring department as needed.
Where can I get Help/Support?

Information Technology Help Desk at (540) 568-3555, IT Service Portal or helpdesk@jmu.edu

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Only if you have an old eID based on your name. When you request a new eID, you will be assigned one in the randomized, non-identifiable format (described above). You may request a change one time only. Once you receive an eID in the new format, your eID is permanent, and you may not request another change. Be aware that changing your eID also changes your JMU and/or Dukes email address(es).

Yes, your eID is the first part of your JMU email address. For instance, if your eID is a4g99b, then your JMU email is a4g99b@jmu.edu (employee) or a4g99b@dukes.jmu.edu (student).

  • For Applicants, you will receive an email from JMU (from noreply@jmu.edu) to your personal email account that you used to apply after Admissions has processed your application. Click the link within the email to begin the JMU eID activation process.
  • For Affiliates, you will receive an account activation email to your personal/home email account that you provided on your Affiliate paperwork. Click the link within the email to begin the JMU eID activation process.
  • For Faculty/Staff, you will receive an account activation email to your personal/home email account that you provided on your hiring paperwork. Click the link within the email to begin the JMU eID activation process.

Paying your deposit moves your account from applicant status to student status. It may take up to 48 hours for your payment to be processed before your account is transitioned automatically. When you see the Student tab in MyMadison (mymadison.jmu.edu), you will know your account has student status.

If the link in your “Welcome to JMU Okta” or “Preparing for JMU Okta” email has expired, you can typically request a new one. If not, please contact the IT Help Desk for assistance.

You are required to change your password once annually.

Look at the error message you received. It is likely that the password you are trying to set does not meet requirements. Make sure the password format complies with the listed requirements.

Please reach out to the IT Help Desk.

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