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Serv-U is a service for the secure transfer of sensitive files to and from correspondents outside of the university.
Who can use this Service?
How can I get this Service?
Secure file transfer is a web service, and sites for individual departments are created upon request. To gain access, either submit a request for a new department site or a request to change access to your existing site through the IT service portal (category Administrative & Business, Secure File Transfer). Once access is granted, you can log in with your eID, password, and Duo.
Department site names take the form of https://sft-your-department.jmu.edu where "your-department" is the name you requested for your department site.
Where can I get Help/Support?
Information Technology Help Desk at (540) 568-3555, IT Service Portal or helpdesk@jmu.edu
Who approves access to my department site?
Departments must designate one or more approvers to approve employee access requests to their site.
How long are files/documents retained after they are uploaded?
Files or documents in your Serv-U site exipire after 30 days. Expired files are deleted.
Why was my login unsuccesful even though I used my eID and correct password?
Once you enter your eID and password, the system requires you to quickly respond to the Duo push. It is recommended that you open the Duo app on your mobile device prior to entering your eID and password so that you can approve the Duo push right away.