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The Student Administration System supports the automation and storage of the university’s prospect, applicant, and student information. It handles the storage, analysis, management and processing of all data, records and processes related to this group of constituents. For example: application, test scores, courses, grades, program of study, scholarships & awards, and billing data are all included. Modules used by various offices are: Recruiting and Admissions, Student Financials, Financial Aid, Academic Advising, and Student Records.
Who can use this Service?
How can I get this Service?
Submit an Access Request. Training on use of the Student Administration system is also required. You can register for all training classes through MyMadison.
Where can I get Help/Support?
Class Roster – Saving to Excel
How to Request Transcripts / Academic Advisement Reports
Instructions and FAQ's for SA Queries
Student Admin Data & Definition
Information Technology Help Desk at (540) 568-3555, IT Service Portal or helpdesk@jmu.edu