
Web content management and publishing system for www.jmu.edu.  Cascade provides accessible standards compliant html web page publishing.

Who can use this Service?

JMU faculty, staff and student employees who have been through Cascade Overview Training can request a Cascade user account.

JMU departments may publish on the JMU web via Cascade.

How can I get this Service?

Sign up for training in MyMadison. Training availability is shown on the cascade index page: https://www.jmu.edu/cascade.

Once you have completed training, click the link to Request or Remove Access or Sites (Note: you must have an email address ending in @jmu.edu to request access.).

Course web sites may be requested through JMU Libraries.

Where can I get Help/Support?

E-mail itweb@jmu.edu for technical support for Cascade.

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Cascade - tutorials, training schedule


Can I use different templates within the same department?
Yes.  If you have a need for additional templates within the same website (besides the one you select for your homepage), the Implementation team will be happy to help you set those up.

Can I put photos and videos on my site?
Yes, you can absolutely add images and videos to your website. There will be specific content types that will help you publish images and videos.

How do I upload images?
Image uploading will be covered in Cascade Overview Training.

See Cascade Imaging Documentation for specifics on images in Cascade.

How do I upload video?
There are several ways to upload videos into Cascade through the video content type. We recommend hosting your videos on YouTube. Vimeo files will also work with Cascade.

What types of files can I upload to Cascade?
Most of common files types can be uploaded into the CMS: jpg, gif, png, PDF, and Microsoft Office documents. There will be a limit to how many multimedia formats can be uploaded, due to storage capacities. When uploading a file be sure to follow your system name with the appropriate file extension. For example, if you're uploading an JPEG image, you'll want to name your file and add the file extension: name-your-image.jpg.

I'd like the creative freedom to design my own template. Why do I need to use a Cascade template?
Within the Cascade templates there will be flexibility and individuality within the various regions. There will be a multitude of content types and pre-built features that will allow you to express the creative freedom to develop a top-quality website and still reflect the character of your department. The goal of maintaining an overall branded site is to promote usability and consistency to our users, regardless of where they may be within jmu.edu.

The main design elements that will stay consistent between templates is the header and footer regions of the page and the look and feel and placement of your navigation. As you start your migration process the implementation team will be happy to discuss what options are available to create a unique feel for your website.

Will secondary pages, beyond my homepage, use a template?
There are pre-formatted secondary pages that will be available for any content that exists beyond your homepage.


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