Request Software

Any JMU department, organization, or individual seeking to acquire technology systems or services is required to complete a Technology Solution Request (TSR) within the IT Service Portal. Additionally, a TSR must be submitted for the development or implementation of any new technology. See the Standard for Acquisition and Assessment of Technology for more information.

Departments should submit a TSR as soon as a technology need has been determined and allow for a minimum of four (4) weeks after IT has received the necessary documentation for the review process to be completed. 


JMU Approved Software  

The software listed below has been approved by JMU IT for faculty/staff use without further IT review or TSR submission. This list is not all-inclusive of every system/software that has been approved by IT, but is software that is commonly requested or used on campus. Faculty/Staff use of any software in the table below indicates agreement with the following requirements:  

  1. Passwords should be unique to the system and comply with JMU IT's Password Standard, if not authenticating through a system using JMU Single-Sign-On (JMU credentials).
  2. Multifactor authentication (MFA) should be utilized if available.  
  3. Procedures should be developed and followed to manage user accounts.
  4. No highly confidential information is processed/stored within the system, unless otherwise specified below.
  5. Comply with applicable laws, such as FERPA.
  6. Review the vendor’s terms and privacy statements to ensure full understanding. 
  7. Notification must be provided to IT Security in the event of a suspected security incident or the receipt of a security related notice from the vendor.

A Technology Solution Request (TSR) must be submitted to IT for review and approval prior to using a software/service that is not listed below.   

The table below is best viewed at horizontal orientation on your device.

JMU Approved Software List
Software Name Vendor Name Purpose Purchasing Method Additional Information
Teams Microsoft Online Meeting and Collaboration Tool JMU Provided Microsoft Teams at JMU
SharePoint Microsoft Workgroup Collaboration and Document Storage Application JMU Provided Microsoft SharePoint at JMU
OneDrive Microsoft Individual Document Storage Space JMU Provided Microsoft OneDrive at JMU
Microsoft 365 (Office 365) Microsoft Microsoft 365 Suite (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint & OneNote) JMU Provided Microsoft 365 at JMU
Bookings Microsoft Scheduling and Appointment Management Tool JMU Provided Microsoft 365 at JMU
Microsoft CoPilot with Data Protection Microsoft Generative AI Tool JMU Provided Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) - JMU
Visio Microsoft Diagramming & Vector Graphics Application Department Purchase Required Enterprise Software at JMU
Planner Microsoft Task Management Application JMU Provided Microsoft 365 at JMU
Project Microsoft Project Management Application Department Purchase Required Enterprise Software at JMU
Zoom Zoom Online Conferencing Tool JMU Provided Zoom at JMU
Acrobat Adobe, Inc. PDF Management Application Department Purchase Required Enterprise Software at JMU
1Password AgileBits Password Management System Department Purchase Required
OnBase Hyland Software, Inc. Document Imaging and Management System JMU Provided OnBase at JMU
Qualtrics SAP SE Online Survey Platform JMU Provided Survey Software at JMU
Serv-U SolarWinds Managed File Transfer Server JMU Provided
Acrobat Sign Adobe, Inc. Electronic Signature Solution JMU Provided Adobe Acrobat Sign at JMU
Canvas Instructure Learning Management System JMU Provided Canvas at JMU
NVivo QSR International Qualitative Data Analysis Software JMU Provided
Works Bank of America SPCC Reconciliation System JMU Provided for Approved Users BOA Works at JMU
Blue Explorance Course Evaluation System JMU Provided for Approved Users Blue Course Evaluation at JMU
Effort Reporting System (ERS) Maximus Effort Reporting Compliance Management System JMU Provided for Approved Users Effort Reporting at JMU
QuestionPro QuestionPro, Inc. Online Survey Platform JMU Provided Survey Software at JMU
Respondus Monitor/Locked Down Browser Respondus, Inc. Automated Proctoring for Online Exams/Cheating Prevention JMU Provided Respondus at JMU
IRIS Registration Seattle Tech Registration System for University Events/eMarkets JMU Provided for Approved Users UBO Event Registration System at JMU
Gradesscope Turnitin, LLC Feedback & Assessment Grading Tool w/Canvas Integration JMU Provided Gradescope at JMU
Creative Cloud Adobe Creative Design Application for Photography, Video, Web Development, & Graphics Department Purchase Required Enterprise Software at JMU
Vevox Auga Technologies Polling/Q & A Platform Department Purchase Required
EndNote Clarivate Reference & Citation Management Tool Department Purchase Required
GoAnimate Vyond Animated Video Creation Platform Department Purchase Required
GoReact GoReact Video Recording and Assessment Software JMU Provided GoReact at JMU
Grammarly Grammarly Writing Assistance and Correction Tool Department Purchase Required
Cascade Hannon Hill Content Management System for University Web Presence JMU Provided to Approved Users Cascade at JMU
CampusPress IncSub, LLC WordPress for Education JMU Provided to Approved Users CampusPress at JMU
Kahoot Kahoot Game/Quiz Based Learning Platform Department Purtchase Required
Mendeley Reference Manager Mendeley Reference Management & Citation Tool Department Purchase Required
Mentimeter Mentimeter Audience Engagement Platform Department Purchase Required
Piazza Piazza Q&A/Polling/Discussion Board Platform Department Purchase Required
Poll Everywhere Poll Everywhere, Inc. Classroom Polling/Quiz Platform JMU Provided Poll Everywhere at JMU
Pressbooks Pressbooks w/ Canvas Integration Online Content & Courseware Development Platform JMU Provided Pressbooks at JMU
Prezi Prezi Presentation Software Department Purchase Required
Quizlet Quizlet Flash Card Study Tool Department Purchase Tool
Papers ReadCube Reference Management Tool Department Purchase Required
reMarkable Tablet w/ Cloud Connect reMarkable Note Taking eTablet Department Purchase Required * Users are required to use JMU provided cloud storage solutions (e.g., OneDrive, SharePoint) with reMarkable tablets. The use of non-JMU approved cloud storage (i.e., Dropbox, Box, Google) is not permitted.
Slido Slido Q&A/Polling Software Department Purchase Required
Tableau Tableau Software, LLC Data Analysis Tool Department Purchase Required Tableau for JMU
Camtasia TechSmith Corp. Screen Recording & Video Editing Software JMU Provided Camtasia at JMU
TimeClock Plus TimeClock Plus Time and Attendance Management Solution Department Purchase Required
VoiceThread VoiceThread, Inc Student Engagement & Instruction Tool Department Purchase Required
Mathematica Wolfram Research Mathematical Computation Program JMU Provided Mathematica at JMU.
Articulate 360 Articulate Global eLearning Creation Platform Department Purchase Required
Canva Pro Canva Graphic Design Tool Department Purchase Required
Flickr Flickr, Inc Image Sharing Platform Department Purchase Required
Hootsuite Hootsuite Social Media Marketing & Management Tool Department Purchase Required
Lucidchart Lucid Software Intelligent Diagramming Software Department Purchase Required
Powtoon Powtoon, Ltd. Video Creation/Presentation Platform Department Purchase Required
Infograpia Slidegrin, LLC Customizable Infographics Database Department Purchase Required
Zotero Zotero Research Organization & Citation Management JMU Provided Zotero at JMU
Final Cut Pro Apple Video Creation & Management Department Purchase Required
Logic Pro Apple Audio Editing Software Department Purchase Required
Resolve DaVinci Video Editing Software Department Purchase Required
GIMP GIMP Photo Editing Software Department Purchase Required
Graphpad Prism Graphpad Data Analysis Software Department Purchase Required
SPSS IBM Data Analysis Software JMU Provided SPSS at JMU
SAS SAS Institute Data Analysis Software JMU Provided Login to SAS at JMU
Affinity Photo, Publisher, & Designer Serif Europe, Ltd. Desktop Creative Services Department Purchase Required
Smart Draw Smart Draw Diagramming/Flowchart Creation Software Department Purchase Required
Stata StataCorp, LLC. Statistical Analysis Software Department Purchase Required
MATLAB Mathworks Programming & Numeric Computing Platform JMU Provided Matlab at JMU.
Top Hat Tophatmonocle Student Engagement & Coureware Creation Platform JMU Provided Top Hat at JMU
Cherwell Cherwell IT Service Management System JMU Provided Cherwell at JMU
FindTime Microsoft Meeting Time Polling and Scheduling Add-On to Microsoft Outlook JMU Provided FindTime at JMU
Overleaf Overleaf Collaborative Online LaTeX Editor JMU Provided For more information contact the Libraries at
Walkie Talkie Teams App Microsoft Push-to-Talk (PTT) Communication in Teams JMU Provided
Flip (w/Teams Integration) Microsoft Video Discussion & Sharing App JMU Provided

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