Students in the M.A. in Political Science program begin their enrollment in the fall term and graduate in the following summer. Using the 2024-2025 school year as an example, they will be enrolled in fall 2024, spring 2025, and summer 2025 terms. JMU’s Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships processes federal student loans and private/alternative educational loans to students in this program.

You can also calculate your expected aid using the Graduate Financial Aid Award Calculator.

**Priority FAFSA Filing Date: March 1st (Must be able to confirm receipt by the federal government by the above date).

Additional information can be found by contacting JMU's Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships directly.

Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships

Contact Information:
JMU Office of Financial Aid
MSC 3519
738 South Mason Street
Student Success Center, 5th Floor
Harrisonburg, VA 22807
Tel. 540-568-7820
Fax. 540-568-7994

FAFSA School Code: 003721

Graduate Assistantships & Other Graduate Employment

To assist students with the cost of the EUPS program, four Program Assistantships will be made available in the 2024-2025 program cycle. Interested students who apply for admission by the February 15, 2024 deadline are eligible to apply for program assistantships. In addition, for the upcoming 2024-2025 academic year, we anticipate being able to offer a $1,000 research assistantship to every admitted student who is not serving as a program assistant. 

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