In addition to other potential sources of financial aid, James Madison University's M.A. program in political science provides students with the possibility to undertake paid assistantships.
Program Assistantships
Program assistantships cover the span of the academic year; they are renewable each semester based on performance. They provide an opportunity to gain professional experience while completing the degree. By the end of the academic year, assistants can confidently include a host of skills on their resumes. They can show, for example, that they have international professional experience in the areas of research, organizational communication, logistics, and more, depending on their specific roles. We anticipate offering four program assistantships for the 2025-2026 academic year. Each program assistantship will provide approximately $10,000 in financial support (with roughly half in the form of a partial tuition waiver and the other half in the form of a stipend tied to hours worked).
Research Assistantships
Research assistantships cover the span of the academic year; they are renewable each semester based on performance. They provide an opportunity to gain research experience while completing the degree. We anticipate offering numerous research assistantships for the 2025-2026 academic year. Each research assistantship will provide $1,000 in financial support (with all of the assistantship paid out as a stipend tied to hours worked). For the upcoming 2025-2026 program cycle, all admitted students who do not receive a program assistantship will be offered a research assistantship.
Social Media & Website
This assistant works with program staff, primarily as a social media manager for the JMU Florence accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn). They are also tasked with the dissemination of program information, and institutional relations with stakeholders. The assistant is a skilled communicator with excellent writing capabilities and ideally experience in social media and/or print communications. Applicants to this position should submit a statement explaining their interest in the position and describing past work experiences related to the role.
Communications & Recruitment
This assistant helps to maintain relationships with program partners, alumni, faculty, and undergraduates and is in charge of producing a newsletter. In addition, they are tasked with assisting the Marketing and Recruitment Coordinator in various recruitment initiatives. The assistant has strong verbal communication and organizational skills and is an experienced organizational leader. Applicants for this position should submit a statement explaining why they are interested in the position and describing past work experiences that relate to the type of work required for the role.
How to Apply for Program & Research Assistantships
Applicants may apply for one or both program assistantships. For each program assistantship to which they apply, they should:
- Submit a 3-4 paragraph statement of interest and qualifications. The statement should discuss relevant experiences and skills;
- Submit supplemental materials (e.g., project outputs, research papers) that demonstrate their suitability for the assistantship;
- Send all program assistantship application materials to via e-mail to Dr. Charles Blake at blakech@jmu.edu.
- Program assistantship applications are due by Friday February 28, 2025.
No winter application is needed for the $1,000 research assistantships. All admitted students who are not selected for a program assistantship will be offered a research assistantship. In June 2025, incoming students will be invited to share their preferences & qualifications for assignments as research assistants.
For details about how to apply to the M.A. program, please go to the general application page.