Each college has an undergraduate curriculum and instruction (C&I) committee to review course and program proposals. The committee is chaired by a faculty member who coordinates the review and voting for the college. The college C&I chair also works with other college C&I chairs and the Associate Vice Provost for Curriculum to ensure all proposals are appropriately developed and considered by the university community.

Proposals for new academic programs are coordinated by the Associate Vice Provost for Curriculum. The General Education Council reviews offerings that impact General Education.

For information on developing a proposal in your college, contact your C&I chair.

College Curriculum and Instruction Meeting Dates

Meeting Location: Zoom

Meeting Time: 1:15-2:15 p.m.

Fall 2024

Spring 2025

Monday, September 16 

Monday, October 21 

Monday, November 11 

Monday, December 2

January – No Meeting

Monday, February 17

Monday, April 14

Monday, March 10


2024-2025 College C&I Chairs

Associate Vice Provost for Curriculum, College C&I Committee Chair
Paula Maxwell, maxwelpj@jmu.edu

Modern Campus Catalog (formerly Acalog)
Alex Lee, lee7ag@jmu.edu

College of Arts and Letters (Undergraduate)
Leigh Nelson, nelsoncl@jmu.edu 

College of Arts and Letters (Graduate)
Siân White, white2se@jmu.edu 

College of Business
Scott Gallagher, gallagsr@jmu.edu

College of Education
Bryan Zugelder, zugeldbs@jmu.edu

College of Health and Behavioral Studies
Kevin Apple, applekj@jmu.edu

College of Integrated Science and Engineering
Dudley Bonsal, bonsaldb@jmu.edu

College of Science and Mathematics
Giovanna Scarel, scarelgx@jmu.edu

College of Visual and Performing Arts
Andrew Connell, connelam@jmu.edu

General Education
Sarah Brooks, brooksst@jmu.edu 

School of Professional & Continuing Education
Sarah MacDonald, macdonsk@jmu.edu

Office of the Registrar
Erika Mabrey, mabreyel@jmu.edu on behalf of Michele White, whitemm@jmu.edu

The Graduate School
Michael Stoloff, stolofml@jmu.edu

University Advising
Jolie Lewis, lewis3jl@jmu.edu 

University Studies
Scott Paulson, paulsosa@jmu.edu

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