The University Catalogs (Undergraduate and Graduate) are the official sources for all curricular content (i.e. requirements for completing an academic program). Thus, all websites, handbooks, promotional materials or other sources used to discuss curricular programs (degree programs, majors, minors, concentrations, tracks, certificates) must refer the reader directly to the catalog for the information. Curriculum requirements should not be posted directly onto websites or provided in other materials.

Please use the following guidelines when considering adding curricular content on your website.

Guidelines for Advising Sheets

Advising sheets may be shared on websites when specific conditions have been met. The criteria for using/posting advising sheets are as follows:

  • Advising sheets may be used or posted on websites or in handbooks after they have been vetted and verified as matching the catalog that corresponds to that year.

  • Until further notice, the vetting and verifying is entrusted to the program/department under the following conditions and processes:

    • A designated member of the corresponding department is identified as the official who will verify the document(s). The designee will compare the advising sheet of a given academic year to the corresponding catalog to ensure it matches the catalog’s stated program requirements 100%.

    • Upon review, if it is found that the desired advising sheet does not match the catalog’s stated requirements, the advising sheet must be edited to match the catalog.

      • If it is determined that the catalog may not be “correct,” the catalog office must be alerted immediately. The advising sheet cannot be posted/used until the discrepancy is resolved. Upon investigation by the catalog office, if the catalog is determined to be incorrect and the error originated in the catalog office, edits will be completed immediately. If the catalog is correct or if it is determined that official approvals were not sought for the intended changes to the curriculum, the advising sheet must be edited to match the official catalog. Curriculum proposals should then be started as soon as possible to change the curriculum in the next catalog to the requirements desired by the program faculty.

    • Upon verification (and edits to the advising sheet as necessary to ensure a 100% match of course requirements), the individual who verified the document must post the following statement directly on the advising document:“This document is provided as an advising resource only. Official curriculum requirements are listed in the JMU Undergraduate Catalog [substitute “JMU Graduate Catalog” for grad programs]. In the case of discrepancies, the University Catalog is the official curriculum students must follow. This document was reviewed by [person’s name or position of the person] on [date].”

  • Advising sheets should be posted as PDF documents rather than as direct webpages.

  • There is currently no specified format for each advising sheet. The department/program may use the design/layout they choose.

  • Verification/updating of advising sheets should be completed by the start of classes each year.

  • Multiple years of advising sheets may be posted if the curriculum has officially been changed, but each year’s advising sheets must be vetted and verified as matching the catalogs corresponding to those years.

  • The verification process should not be completed until the new catalogs have been released in May (UG) and June (Grad) to ensure the comparison is being made to the correct content.

  • Verification must occur on an annual basis.

Prohibited curriculum content for websites

The information that must be removed from websites (and referenced only in the catalogs) falls primarily in two categories:

  1. The listing of the program curriculum (i.e. the courses and credit hours required for completion of each program). This includes the suggested four-year plans (or fewer years, if graduate programs).

  2. Course descriptions (which include course prefix, number and name, the course description, and co/prerequisites).

When linking website information to the catalog, please ensure the links are updated to take the reader to the new/current catalog. Use of catalog permalinks will ensure updated linkage. If you have any trouble linking to the appropriate catalog, please contact the catalog office at

Permitted curriculum information for websites

Information that can/should be left on websites:

There are many curricular details and additional information that do not get published in the catalog and, therefore, SHOULD appear on websites (if you wish to post the information). Some examples of information that can/should remain on websites are:

  • Admission criteria details (e.g., details about interviews, topics to include in essays, details on references, if transfer credits are accepted, scoring rubrics). General but concise admission information will be published in the catalog (e.g., required GPA, requirement of an interview and three letters of reference, etc.). Departments/programs may include more detailed information on websites.

  • Information about internships, practicums, clinical hours (e.g., site options/locations, hours required, how a student secures an internship/practicum, travel arrangements, types of responsibilities and learning opportunities that must be included)

  • Topics that are available for “Topics” courses

  • Listings of courses being offered each semester by a department and the faculty member teaching each course

  • Listings of research opportunities (e.g., research topics, associated faculty researchers, information on securing a research opportunity, credits available and type of work required for each research opportunity)

  • Types of service-learning opportunities available

  • Course syllabi or outlines

  • Several other similar types of information

Guidelines for Handbooks

In general, handbooks can be left on websites. Many handbooks, however, include the list of courses students must take to complete the program. It is highly preferred to simply include a link to the catalog page(s) for this information (rather than listing the information directly in the handbook) to ensure one source of information only. If, however, this listing needs to be in the Handbook for accreditation compliance, the handbook information may remain, but it must match the catalog information.

Please use the same verification process and include the following statement:

“Official curriculum requirements are listed in the JMU Undergraduate Catalog [substitute “JMU Graduate Catalog” for grad programs]. In the case of discrepancies, the University Catalog represents the official curriculum. This document was reviewed by [person’s name or position of the person] on [date].”

Questions, Concerns or Feedback

Questions, concerns and feedback on the information above can be directed to Paula Maxwell at Questions about catalog content or C&I proposals can be submitted to and, respectively. These inboxes are monitored daily. Emails are forwarded to the appropriate staff member for action/response.

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