Article I: Purpose and Functions
1. The Faculty Senate shall seek to create, maintain, and protect a university environment conducive to the growth of scholarship, learning, teaching, research, service, and respect for human dignity and rights.
2. The Senate shall elect or nominate individuals to represent the interests of the entire instructional faculty to University committees or other such bodies as shall require representation.
Article II: Membership
1. At the beginning of each spring semester, the office of the Provost shall send to the marshal a list of academic units.
2. Each academic unit shall hold elections no later than six weeks prior to the termination of the spring semester every other year to elect a member as its representative to the Faculty Senate for the following term of office. The newly elected member shall notify the marshal of the results of the election at least one week before the regularly scheduled April meeting of the Faculty Senate.
3. Each academic unit which has more than one instructional faculty member
A. shall elect one member to serve as its representative on the Faculty Senate.
B. The part-time faculty shall have three positions in the Faculty Senate with full voting rights. Part-time Senate representatives shall serve two-year terms. The elections for these positions will be managed by the marshal in the spring term of alternate years. The elections shall be completed and results available prior to two weeks from the final Faculty Senate meeting in the Spring semester.
If a part-time Senate representative becomes unable to serve during their term, the procedure to fill the vacancy shall be as follows:
- The marshal shall contact the runners-up in the most recent part-time Senate representative election to determine if they are able to fill the vacancy, starting with the fourth-place finisher and descending as needed. This individual will serve the remainder of the previous representative’s term.
- If none of the runners-up are able to fill the vacant seat, and one semester or less remain in the two-year term, the marshal, in consultation with the Adjunct Affairs Committee, shall recruit a suitable candidate. This candidate will serve the remainder of the previous representative’s term.
- If none of the runners-up are able to fill the vacant seat, and more than one full semester remains in the two-year term, the marshal shall hold a special election to fill the vacancy. The individual elected in this special election shall serve for the remainder of the previous representative’s term.
4. Members shall be elected from and by instructional faculty members, including academic unit heads, assistant and associate deans, and all other instructional faculty members whose home unit is the academic unit. A majority vote of those voting is required to elect members.
Administrative and Professional faculty members and emeritus faculty members are not eligible to vote or serve as members or proxies of the Faculty Senate (selection of proxies is described in 11).
5. It shall be the responsibility of elected members to serve as a liaison between the Faculty Senate and the instructional faculty members of their academic unit. In this capacity, members:
A. shall exercise their best judgment in the governance and decision-making processes of the senate;
B. shall maintain an awareness of the interests and concerns of their constituents and submit relevant issues to the appropriate senate committee or office; and
C. shall be fully responsible for keeping faculty members of their academic unit informed of senate actions and decisions and of relevant information provided at senate meetings.
6. The term of office for the academic unit's member shall be two years, from the start of the organizational meeting of the Faculty Senate until the end of the regularly scheduled April meeting of the Faculty Senate held in the second year thereafter. There shall be no bar to a department electing the same senator repeatedly every two years for as long as the senator wishes to serve. Each senator is responsible for keeping track of when their term expires and ensuring that their department holds an election in February or March of the second year of their term. Senators should inform the marshal of the election results before the April organizational meeting.
7. A member may resign at any time by notifying the Faculty Senate and the academic unit head of the resignation. A member is only eligible to continue in the position while employed by James Madison University in an instructional position. A member is not eligible to continue while on administrative leave.
Academic units may remove a duly elected member for nonperformance of duties, misconduct, ineligible status or other just cause. Removal shall require a two-thirds vote of the full-time instructional faculty in the academic unit. If an academic unit removes a member, the academic unit head will notify the Faculty Senate.
The Faculty Senate may, by a two-thirds vote of the entire membership of the Faculty Senate, dismiss a member for nonperformance of duties, misconduct, ineligible status or other just cause. If the Faculty Senate dismisses a member, the marshal shall notify the academic unit.
8. In case of a vacancy in the position of the member, the academic unit shall elect another member within 30 days to fill the remainder of the unexpired term under the election provisions set out herein. The marshal shall be notified of the results of the election.
9. The academic unit from which the speaker is elected shall elect an additional member for the duration of the speaker's term(s) in office to serve as the member representing that academic unit.
10. The ex-officio members of the Faculty Senate shall be the president, the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Administration and Finance and the Vice Provost for Faculty and Curriculum. Any ex-officio member may designate someone to serve as his or her representative on the Faculty Senate.
11. Members are empowered to designate proxies who shall participate in Senate meetings and cast votes on behalf of the member. Proxies shall not participate in committee meetings.
12. In order to advise the Senate of the concerns of students of the university, a non-voting student representative shall be elected or appointed by the Student Government Association, for a one-year term to advise the Senate in student interests and concerns and be mentored by the Chair of the Student Relations Committee.
Article III: Officers
1. Excepting the Speaker, who upon election serves a period of two years, the Faculty Senate officers shall serve from the date of their election for a 12-month period. The Speaker may not serve for more than two, two-year terms in office. Other senate officers may not serve for more than three successive terms in office (for a total of three years).
2. Officers
A. Speaker
- The speaker shall preside over meetings of the Faculty Senate, with the exception of the organizational meeting.
- The speaker shall call all meetings of the Faculty Senate as prescribed in Sections 2 and 3 of Article V.
- The speaker shall serve as faculty liaison with the administration of the university.
- The speaker shall, when invited, give a report to the Board of Visitors regarding the activities of the Faculty Senate and matters of concern to the faculty of the university. This report shall be developed in collaboration with the Steering Committee, and shall represent the views of the Senate, and not be used as an opportunity for the Speaker to advance their own personal agenda.
- When communicating with the JMU administration, Board of Visitors, and external entities such as the press, the Speaker shall, in good faith, fairly represent the views of the Faculty Senate as an institution or the majority of the faculty. When the Speaker instead expresses their own personal views, they must clearly indicate that they are not speaking on behalf of the Senate nor the faculty.
- The Speaker shall not have the power to introduce motions or resolutions. During the meeting, the Speaker’s role shall be that of a neutral moderator, and they shall refrain from editorializing or seeking to influence the outcome of the debate. The Speaker shall be permitted to vote only to break a tie.
- The speaker shall countersign all official communications of the Faculty Senate.
- The speaker, with the aid of the Steering Committee, shall make the agenda for all regular Faculty Senate meetings, but a majority of those voting members present and voting may add items to the agenda at a regularly scheduled meeting.
- The term of office for the Speaker shall be two years. No Speaker shall serve more than four years in succession or two terms in succession.
- At any time, the members of the Faculty Senate may submit to the Steering Committee a motion for a vote of no confidence in the Speaker. The vote on the matter of confidence in the Speaker following the motion may only occur at a regular or special meeting of the Senate, and may only occur when at least seven (7) days’ notice has been sent to the Speaker and the members of the Senate. Upon receiving such motion and second, the Speaker Pro Tempore (or the Marshal, if the Speaker Pro Tempore should be unavailable) shall preside over the deliberation about and vote on the motion.
Voting shall occur by written ballot or equivalent electronic means to ensure confidentiality. If the motion of no confidence shall pass by a two thirds (2/3) majority, then the Speaker shall be relieved of their duties, and the Speaker Pro Tempore (or the Marshal, if the Speaker Pro Tempore should be unavailable) shall assume the role of Interim Speaker until a vote for Speaker can be held at the next regularly scheduled Senate meeting
B. Speaker Pro Tempore
- The speaker pro tempore shall assume the duties of the speaker when the speaker is absent or is unable to perform them.
- The speaker pro tempore shall serve as chair of the Faculty Concerns Committee.
- The speaker pro tempore shall be responsible for remaining in contact with the Faculty Senate of Virginia. Ideally this will involve attending meetings, but if this is not possible or advisable, then other ways of staying in contact will be acceptable. The speaker pro tempore will report on the work of the Faculty Senate of Virginia each semester (at a time of his or her choosing).
C. Communications Director
- The communications director shall keep a record of attendance, the minutes, and other records of the Faculty Senate.
- The communications director shall keep the university community regularly informed on the business of the Faculty Senate in accordance with Section 5 of Article V, and shall oversee the Faculty Senate website.
- As instructed by the Senate Steering Committee, the communications director provides timely updates of the Senate webpage and helps manage technical aspects of the Senate Canvas website.
D. Treasurer
- The treasurer shall serve as financial agent of the Faculty Senate and shall prepare necessary budgetary requests.
- The treasurer shall receive all faculty dues and shall make reports to the Faculty Senate on the funds held by the Faculty Senate.
- The treasurer shall manage the Faculty Senate Flower Fund and make appropriate purchases from the fund for memorial gifts to the families of faculty members who have died or lost immediate family members.
- The treasurer shall conduct the annual computer lottery and report the results to the Faculty Senate.
E. Marshal
- The marshal shall serve as supervisor of Faculty Senate elections and votes.
- The marshal shall receive certification of election results from each academic unit's elected member. In the event of a contested election, the marshal shall conduct a full investigation and make a recommendation to the Faculty Senate. The Faculty Senate shall make the final decision as to seating the members by majority vote of the senate.
- The marshal shall act as marshal for university convocations.
- The marshal shall act as parliamentarian of the Faculty Senate.
- The marshal shall serve as sergeant-at-arms of the Faculty Senate.
- The marshal shall serve as chair of the Research and Scholarship Committee.
- The outgoing marshal shall preside over the organizational meeting of the newly elected Faculty Senate each April.
Article IV: Committees
1. The Faculty Senate shall have standing committees to which the speaker of the Faculty Senate will normally refer matters for study and for a report before these matters come to the floor of the Faculty Senate for action. Upon a vote of a majority of those voting members present and voting, the Faculty Senate may take up matters without referral to a committee, or may set aside a report of a committee. Committees may take no action on behalf of the Faculty Senate, except for the Steering Committee as provided in Section 5.e. below.
2. Standing committees shall be composed of voting members of the Faculty Senate who are appointed by the Steering Committee, except for the membership of the Steering Committee, which is provided in Section 5.A below, and the Faculty Appeals Committee, as described in Section 10 below.
3. Committee meetings shall be called by the chair of the committee as needed. The quorum for each committee is a majority of its members.
4. Each standing committee of the Faculty Senate shall have the authority to adopt an operating procedure for the internal governance of that committee, providing that:
A. No part of the operating procedure conflicts with this constitution or any of its bylaws.
B. The Steering Committee is kept informed of current operating procedures.
If, in the opinion of the Steering Committee, operating procedures for the various committees will conflict in the transaction of senate business, the speaker shall advise the chairs of the respective committees regarding the conflicting procedures. If the committees are unable to resolve the conflict, the senate shall make the final decision as to acceptable operating procedures.
5. Immediately after the organization meeting of the new Faculty Senate each April, the new officers shall meet and recommend the appointment of the Faculty Senate members among the appointed standing committees of the Faculty Senate. Each member shall be assigned to at least one committee based on preferences supplied by the members and the needs of the Faculty Senate. Whenever possible, each committee shall contain a diverse membership from a variety of academic colleges.
A. The Steering Committee shall be composed of the Speaker, the speaker pro tempore, the communications director, the treasurer, the marshal, the chairs of all standing committees and one of the three senators for the part-time faculty. The last position will be understood as satisfied if a senator for the part-time faculty holds a Faculty Senate office or chairs a standing committee. If none of the senators for part-time faculty hold office or chair a standing committee, the Research and Scholarship Committee will seek or solicit a senator for part-time faculty to fill this gap.
6. Research and Scholarship Committee
A. The marshal of the Faculty Senate shall serve as chair of this committee.
B. The Research and Scholarship Committee shall consist of, at least, one member from each college when possible.
C. The chair of the committee shall serve as the Research and Scholarship Committee representative to the Steering Committee.
D. The Research and Scholarship Committee will consider and make recommendations concerning policies and procedures for research, research support, and research infrastructure.
E. When funds are available from the Provost’s office, the Madison Vision fund, another administrative source or a combination of these, the members of this committee will be responsible for organizing the Faculty Senate Vision Mini-Grant competition. This shall include advertising the competition, collecting proposals, judging the awardees, reporting results to the Provost and President, and ensuring the transfer of monies to the appropriate person(s). Proposals must be focused upon initiatives that promote the university’s Vision Statement in one or more of three kinds of engagement: engaged learning, civic engagement, and community engagement. All instructional faculty members (full-time and part-time) may apply. Further details shall be posted on the Faculty Senate website.
7. Faculty Concerns Committee
A. The Faculty Concerns Committee shall consist of at least one member from each academic college, when possible. The speaker pro tempore chairs this committee, but the speaker pro tempore's college should have a representative in addition to the speaker pro tempore, if possible.
B. The Faculty Concerns Committee studies, formulates and recommends action on university-wide concerns pertaining to:
- Methods of selection and appointment of faculty, including academic unit heads and administrative officers;
- Tenure, promotions, salaries, academic leaves, consulting practices, research and publication of instructional faculty members;
- Fringe benefits and working conditions of instructional faculty members;
- Issues concerning academic freedom and responsibilities; and
- Development and utilization of university resources and services as they affect faculty morale and professional development of instructional faculty members.
8. Teaching and Student Relations Committee
A. The Student Relations Committee shall consist of at least one member from each academic college, when possible. This committee shall elect a chair from the membership of the committee at its first meeting following the organizational meeting in April.
B. The chair of the committee shall serve as the Teaching and Student Relations Committee Representative to the Steering Committee.
C. This committee shall identify and make recommendations concerning matters of mutual responsibility and concern among faculty and students, including, but not limited to:
1. Graduate and undergraduate student concerns and initiatives
2. Course evaluations
3. Student advising
4. Syllabus requirements
5. Faculty needs related to instructional and assessment processes
6. Online and in-person pedagogy initiatives
D. The chair of the committee will, when funds from the provost’s office are available for the purpose, aid in the work of the SGA-run Madison Vision Teaching Award, serve in an advisory role to the SGA and assist in the process at the request of the SGA.
E. SGA shall appoint a student representative to serve on the Teaching and Student Relations committee as a non-voting member.
9. Policies Committee
A. The Policies Committee shall consist of at least one member from each academic college, when possible. This committee shall elect a chair from the membership of the committee at its first meeting following the organizational meeting in April.
B. The chair of the committee shall serve as the Policies Committee Representative to the Steering Committee.
C. The chair of the Senate Policies Committee will serve as a member of the Academic Affairs Policies Committee, as well as one additional faculty senate member.
D. The chair of the committee will receive updates about university policies when they are published for review and will delegate review of policies amongst committee members to determine if any merit further faculty consideration, feedback, and/or comment. In cases where members of the faculty senate determine that further response or additional information is needed on a policy, the chair of the committee will inform the Speaker of the Faculty Senate. The speaker will judge how best to move forward. In the case of university policies, the speaker may, in accordance with University Policy 1000, notify the chair of the University Policies Committee with concerns.
10. Faculty Appeals Committee
A. The Faculty Appeals Committee will function as an “as needed” committee with each member participating in another standing faculty senate committee.
B. The “as needed” Faculty Appeals Committee shall consist of one member from each standing committee and academic college. Members on this committee must be either tenured or have served at least six years of full-time teaching at JMU. If the college requirement cannot be met from among members of the Faculty Senate, the Steering Committee may appoint, as a member of the committee, a tenured faculty member who is not a member of the Faculty Senate, or a faculty member who has served at least six years of full-time teaching at James Madison University, who is not a member of the Faculty Senate. Academic Unit Heads, assistant deans, and associate deans are ineligible for membership on this committee.
C. The committee shall elect its chair from the membership of the committee at its first meeting following the organizational meeting in April.
D. The chair of the committee shall serve as the Faculty Appeals Committee Representative to the Steering Committee.
E. This committee shall receive appeals from instructional faculty members, determine whether a hearing will be held, and if so, select a Hearing Committee, under the terms of the Faculty Handbook.
F. For all business concerning the Faculty Appeals Committee (excluding steering committees) the chair of the FAC is a non-voting member except when a vote by the chair is needed to break a tie.
G. The chair is the point of contact for faculty submitting an appeal and can request additional information for clarification of an appeal submission.
H. The chair will assist the faculty submitting a request for an appeal in identifying the policies in the Faculty Handbook that are pertinent to the requested action and may do so in a meeting or electronically. Assistance is provided solely regarding the Faculty Handbook policies regarding appeals; the chair is not an advocate for the appellant but a resource for following policy and procedure.
11. Budget, Compensation, and Government Relations Committee
A. The Budget, Compensation, and Government Relations Committee shall consist of at least one member from each academic college, when possible. As necessary, appropriate, and with the consent of the Steering Committee, the Budget and Compensation Committee chair may appoint additional faculty members who are not Faculty Senate members to its membership. The committee shall elect a chair from membership of the committee at its first meeting following the Organizational meeting in April. The chair of the committee shall serve as a member of the Steering Committee. The chair or another member of the committee will serve as one of JMU’s representatives on the Faculty Senate of Virginia.
B. The Budget, Compensation, and Government Relations Committee will advise the Faculty Senate regarding the fiscal operation of the university as it is relevant to the university's academic mission so that the faculty may provide its recommendations to the university's administration. The Budget, Compensation, and Government Relations Committee will also study issues related to compensation at the university and other comparable institutions and make recommendations regarding fair and adequate compensation for the faculty.
C. The Budget, Compensation, and Government Relations Committee will seek to foster positive relationships between government officials, including local state legislators and the state legislature, by identifying opportunities to mediate some civic and community engagement of faculty and students through elected representatives of the people. It will identify opportunities to bring government officials to campus and take faculty and students into the community. Working with the faculty senates of sister institutions and the Faculty Senate of Virginia, it will lobby for increases in state support for higher education.
12. Adjunct Affairs Committee
A. The Adjunct Affairs Committee shall consist, at the least, of two of the three adjunct senators and two full-time senators. The committee shall elect a chair, who must be an adjunct senator (unless there are compelling reasons otherwise), from the membership of the committee at its first meeting following the Organizational meeting in April. The chair of the committee shall serve as the Adjunct Representative to the Steering Committee.
B. The Adjunct Affairs Committee will study, formulate, recommend and advocate for action on all matters relating to adjunct instructional faculty business, including, but not limited to: contracts, compensation, benefits, working conditions, morale, work-life balance, status and resources.
13. Shared Governance Committee
- The Shared Governance Committee shall consist of, at least, one member from each college when possible. This committee shall select a chair from the membership of the committee at its first meeting following the organizational meeting in April.
- The chair of the committee shall serve as the Shared Governance Committee Representative to the Steering Committee.
- The Shared Governance Committee will be responsible for supporting and monitoring meaningful faculty participation in JMU shared governance with primacy in curriculum development, teaching methods, research, faculty status, and those areas of student life related to the educational process. The responsibility of faculty status includes hiring, appointments, reappointments, tenure, promotion, and dismissal of faculty.
Article V: Meetings
1. The organizational meeting of the newly-constituted Faculty Senate shall be held each year in April, after the conclusion of the regular Faculty Senate meeting, for the purpose of electing new officers.
2. The Faculty Senate shall hold meetings as follows:
- First Thursday in September
- First Thursday in October
- First Thursday in November
- First Thursday in December
- Last Thursday in January
- Last Thursday in February
- Last Thursday in March
- Last Thursday in April
These regular meetings shall be open meetings under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and all members of the James Madison University community are welcome. The time and location of the meetings will be posted on the Faculty Senate website. Members must be given at least three days' notice of all regular meetings by the speaker. In the event the university is closed on the regular meeting day, the meeting will be rescheduled to the following Thursday at the same time and place, if the university has re-opened, and the website will reflect the change.
3. The speaker may also call special meetings of the Faculty Senate as deemed necessary. Upon receipt of a petition from at least 20 percent of the membership of the Faculty Senate, the speaker shall immediately call a meeting of the Faculty Senate to be held no later than five working days after the petition is received, if the university is in session, or at least thirty days after the petition is received, if the university is not in session. Notice will be provided to all members, and the time and location will be posted on the website.
4. For purposes of determining a quorum or majority, duly authorized proxies shall be considered voting members.
5. Minutes shall be kept of every meeting, and the communications director will distribute a draft of the minutes to the Steering Committee for review. After its approval, copies shall be distributed electronically to the members by the communications director no later than three weeks following a meeting.
6. Minutes will be officially approved at the next meeting of the Faculty Senate but will not be re-distributed to the members unless the Senate votes for re-distribution.
7. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order with the following modifications, as well as other such rules as may be adopted by the Faculty Senate.
A. Senators are not limited to two comments on an issue before the Senate, but are limited to a total time of twenty minutes.
B.When a Senator calls the question and that call receives a second, the Speaker will ask Senators to indicate by a show of hands if they wish to make a point yet unmade that is relevant to the question. That desire having been indicated by the show of hands, the Senate will proceed without further discussion to a vote on the motion to suspend discussion and vote the question.
8. Conduct of Senate Business
A. Absent unusual circumstances, members seeking to initiate motions must submit a written request to the speaker seven days prior to a senate meeting. The speaker, with the advice of the Steering Committee, will either (1) place it on the agenda for a future senate meeting, or (2) refer it to the appropriate senate committee for study prior to bringing it to the full senate.
B. In exigent circumstances, a member may contact the speaker at the beginning of a senate meeting to propose a motion. At the speaker's discretion, the request may be granted or denied, based upon factors such as the importance of the matter and the expected time available during the meeting.
C. The senate may extend privileges of the floor of the senate to any member of the university community, including alumni. Such privilege for a meeting shall be extended to a visiting university community member through either of two procedures: (1) by arrangement prior to the meeting with the speaker or (2) through introduction of the visitor by any member during the course of a meeting.
D. A full agenda for a forthcoming meeting shall be presented in writing or in an electronically readable form to all members at least three (3) days in advance of each regular meeting. In addition, the text of motions requiring senate action shall likewise be presented in writing or electronically readable form at least three (3) days in advance of meetings, to the extent possible.
E. Time permitting, the speaker may designate a period of time during the senate meeting for open discussion among the members. During such open discussion periods, the normal restrictions of Robert's Rules of Order will be suspended, and members may participate in the discussion in an orderly fashion.
Article VI: Dues
Each full-time instructional faculty member is expected to pay dues to the Faculty Senate. Dues are collected primarily for the purpose of providing memorial tributes for the death of a James Madison University faculty member or family member, but may be devoted to other purposes on occasions deemed worthy by the Faculty Senate, provided that (a) $2,000 is set aside at the beginning of the fall semester for bereavement purposes for that academic year, which cannot be used for any other purposes, and that (b) all proposals for non-bereavement uses of Faculty Senate funds must be put before the Faculty Senate in the form of a motion requiring a 2/3 majority to pass. Dues are set at $5.00 per full-time instructional faculty member per year and are to be paid to the faculty member's Faculty Senate representative by October 15 each year, or as soon as possible thereafter.
The Faculty Senate member will collect the dues and transmit them to the Treasurer at the regular October meeting of the Faculty Senate. The member will keep an accurate record of the dues collected and paid to the Treasurer.
The Treasurer will keep an accurate record of the dues collected from members. Dues will be deposited by the Treasurer in the official Faculty Senate account, and will be administered according to university cash handling procedures.
Article VII: Amendments
These bylaws shall become effective when approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the total number of voting members of the Faculty Senate.
Article VIII: Protocol for Passed Motions and Resolutions
Upon the passing of a motion or resolution (henceforth ‘motion’) by the Faculty Senate, the following protocol shall be observed.
1. Before the next full Faculty Senate meeting (following the meeting in which the motion is passed), the Speaker of the Faculty Senate will assign responsibility for the motion to a Senate member, typically a Senate Committee or member of the Steering Committee (henceforth ‘responsible party’).
2. The assignment of responsibility shall be noted on the Faculty Senate website.
3. The responsible party shall be tasked with following up on any actionable items contained in the motion, including, if applicable, gathering relevant information, seeking relevant counsel, approaching relevant third parties, advertising the motion, and generally seeking to bring the motion to fruition in the manner appropriate to the motion.
4. The responsible party will report to the Steering Committee at least twice yearly on the progress of the motion, and, if applicable, to the full Faculty Senate.
5. The responsible party may recommend changes in the status of a motion as circumstances change. (‘Status’ includes such descriptors as ‘in progress’, ‘completed’, ‘resolved’, ‘pending’, and the like.) The Steering Committee will approve changes in status. Changes will be announced at the next Faculty Senate meeting and will be entered in the Status table on the Faculty Senate website.
6. The responsible party’s duties in relation to the motion shall be considered complete when the motion is given a terminal Status (e.g. ‘resolved’, ‘completed’, etc.). A motion may be given a terminal status even if a favorable outcome has not been achieved, e.g., when reasonable efforts have been made to encourage implementation but achievement of the objective proves to be beyond the Faculty Senate’s power.
7. At the beginning of each academic year, the Speaker and Faculty Senate Steering Committee will review unresolved motions and, where needed, assign a new responsible party.
8. Some motions are self-fulfilling and will be assigned terminal status immediately upon passage.