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The JMU vision statement attests that we strive “to be the national model for the engaged university: engaged with ideas and the world.”  

At JMU, engagement takes three forms: 

  • engaged learning—develops deep, purposeful and reflective learning, while uniting campus and community in the pursuit, creation, application and dissemination of knowledge. 
  • civic engagement—advances efforts to prepare individuals to be active and responsible participants in a representative democracy dedicated to the common good. 
  • community engagement—fosters mutually beneficial and reciprocal local and/or global partnerships that connect learning to practice, address critical societal problems, and improve quality of life. 

Each year, JMU's president entrusts funds to the Faculty Senate to further the university’s vision for engagement. Senate uses these funds to support instructional faculty’s engagement projects through the Faculty Senate Engagement Mini-Grants


  • All full-time JMU instructional faculty members are eligible to apply for a Faculty Senate Engagement Mini-Grant. The Faculty Handbook defines “instructional faculty” as individuals who devote at least 50% of their appointment to teaching and research functions of the university. Academic unit heads are defined as instructional faculty members. 
  • Part-time and adjunct JMU faculty whose primary responsibility is the teaching of for-credit courses are eligible to apply for a mini-grant, provided that the AUH of their academic unit indicates that the faculty member will likely be employed by that academic unit in the coming spring. It is the applying faculty member’s responsibility to secure this indication. If employment is not renewed in the spring, the funds will be reassigned, as determined by the Research & Scholarship Committee. 
  • Those not eligible to apply for a Faculty Senate Mini-Grant include classified staff members, administrative and professional (A&P) faculty, emeritus faculty, visiting faculty, scholars in residence, and researchers, as are defined in the Faculty Handbook or university policies. 

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