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- Speaker: Katherine Ott Walter
- Treasurer: Talé Mitchell
- Speaker Pro Tempore: Kristen McCleary
- Marshal: Melanie Shoffner
- Communications Director: Karen McDonnell
- Part-Time Representative: Leslie Harlacker
Note: Senators are listed alphabetically by academic unit.
Name |
Academic Unit |
John Briggs |
Accounting (COB) |
Sarah Brooks |
Art, Design and Art History (CVPA) |
Liz Doyle |
Biology (CSM) |
Sasha Kokhan |
Chemistry (CSM) |
Shiree Harbick |
Communication Sciences and Disorders (CHBS) |
Leigh Nelson |
Communication Studies (CAL) |
Karen McDonnell |
Communications Director (ex officio) |
Ping Wang |
Computer Information Systems and Business Analytics (COB) |
Mona El-Kadi Rizvi |
Computer Science (CISE) |
Smita Mathur |
Early, Elementary and Reading Education (COE) |
Joanne Doyle |
Economics (COB) |
Kris Wiley |
Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities (COE) |
Steve Harper |
Engineering (CISE) |
Amanda Gerber |
English (CAL) |
David Parker |
Finance and Business Law (COB) |
Diana Galarreta |
Foreign Languages (CAL) |
Eric Pyle |
Geology and Environmental Science (CSM) |
Joe LeBlanc |
Graduate Psychology (CHBS) |
Augustus (Gus) Hallmon |
Hart School of Hospitality, Sport and Recreation Management |
Kay Harrison |
Health Professions (CHBS) |
Jill Lassiter |
Health Sciences (CHBS) |
Kristen McCleary |
History (CAL) |
Mikaela Schmitt-Harsh |
Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies (US) |
Emily York |
Integrated Science and Technology (CISE) |
Taimi Castle |
Justice Studies (CAL) |
Janet Wigglesworth |
Kinesiology (CHBS) |
Ying Jin |
Learning, Technology and Leadership Education (COE) |
Elizabeth Price |
Libraries |
Marshall Pattie |
Management (COB) |
Cathy Snyder |
Marketing (COB) |
Caroline Lubert |
Mathematics and Statistics (CSM) |
Talé Mitchell |
Media Arts and Design (CAL) |
Melanie Shoffner |
Middle, Secondary and Mathematics Education (COE) |
Andrew Eshelman |
Military Science (COE) |
Samuel Suggs |
Music (CVPA) |
Erica Lewis |
Nursing (CHBS) |
Donielle Janow |
Part-time Faculty (CHBS) |
Leslie Harlacker |
Part-time Faculty (CAL) |
Michael Trocchia |
Part-time Faculty (Libraries, CAL) |
Anne van Leeuwen |
Philosophy and Religion (CAL) |
Harold Butner |
Physics (CSM) |
Howard Lubert |
Political Science (CAL) |
Tracy Zinn |
Psychology (CHBS) |
Natasha Miller |
Social Work (CHBS) |
David Trouille |
Sociology and Anthropology (CAL) |
Katherine Ott Walter |
Speaker |
Benjamin Selznick |
Strategic Leadership Studies (COB) |
Caroline Spurling |
Student Representative |
Peter Zazzali |
Theatre and Dance (CVPA) |
Michael Hickman |
Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication (CAL) |
Policies Committee
Smita Mathur, Chair
Name |
Academic Unit |
Ping Wang |
Computer Information Systems and Business Analytics (COB) |
Mona El-Kadi Rizvi |
Computer Science (CISE) |
Smita Mathur |
Early, Elementary, and Reading Ed. (COE) |
Caroline Lubert |
Mathematics and Statistics (CSM) |
Elizabeth Price |
Libraries (LIB) |
Howard Lubert |
Political Science (CAL) |
Steve Harper |
Engineering (CISE) (Appeals) |
Adjunct Affairs Committee
Leslie Harlacker, Chair
Name |
Academic Unit |
Natasha Miller |
Social Work (CHBS) |
Marshall Pattie |
Management (COB) |
Liz Doyle |
Biology (CSM) (Appeals) |
Donielle Janow |
Part-time Faculty (CHBS) |
Leslie Harlacker |
Part-time Faculty (CAL) |
Budget and Compensation and Government Relations Committee
Harold Butner, Chair
Name |
Academic Unit |
Andrew Eshelman |
Military Science (COE) |
David Parker |
Finance and Business Law (COB) |
Taimi Castle |
Justice Studies (CAL) |
Janet Wigglesworth |
Kinesiology (CHBS) |
Cathy Snyder |
Marketing (COB) |
Shiree Harbick |
Communications Sciences and Disorders |
Harold Butner |
Physics (CSM) |
Faculty Appeals Committee
Talé Mitchell, Chair
Name |
Academic Unit |
John Briggs |
Accounting (COB) |
Sarah Brooks |
Art, Design and Art History (CVPA) |
Liz Doyle |
Biology (CSM) |
Shiree Harbick |
Communications Sciences and Disorders (CHBS) |
Steve Harper |
Engineering (CISE) |
Talé Mitchell |
Media Arts and Design (CAL) |
Faculty Concerns Committee
Kristen McCleary, Chair
Name |
Academic Unit |
Amanda Gerber |
English (CAL) |
Mikaela Schmitt-Harsh |
IDLS (Univesity Studies) |
Jill Lassiter |
Health Sciences (CHBS) |
Eric Pyle |
Geology and Environmental Science (CSM) |
Joanne Doyle |
Economics (COB) |
Emily York |
Kristen McCleary |
History (CAL) |
Peter Zazzali |
Theatre and Dance (CVPA) |
Research and Scholarship Committee
Melanie Shoffner, Chair
Name |
Academic Unit |
Leigh Nelson |
Communications Studies (CAL) |
Erica Lewis |
Nursing (CHBS) |
Sarah Brooks |
Art, Design, and Art History (CVPA) (Appeals) |
Melanie Shoffner |
Middle, Secondary and Mathematics Education (COE) |
Benjamin Selznick |
Strategic Leadership Studies (COB) |
Michael Hickman |
Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication (CAL) |
Teaching and Student Relations Committee
Anne van Leeuwen, Chair
Name |
Academic Unit |
Gus Hallmon |
Hart School of Hospitality, Sport and Recreation Management |
Ying Jin |
Learning, Technology and Leadership Education (COE) |
Anne van Leeuwen |
Philosophy and Religion (CAL) |
Tracy Zinn |
Psychology (CHBS) |
Michael Trocchia |
Part-time Faculty (Libraries, CAL) |
Joe LeBlanc |
Graduate Psychology (CHBS) |
Shared Governance Committee
Sasha Kokhan, Interim Chair
Name |
Academic Unit |
Kris Wiley |
Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities (COE) |
Samuel Suggs |
Music (CVPA) |
Diana Galarreta |
Foreign Languages (CAL) |
Kay Harrison |
Health Professions (CHBS) |
John Briggs |
Accounting (COB) (Appeals) |
Sasha Kokhan |
Chemistry (CSM) |
David Trouille |
Sociology and Anthropology (CAL) |
Committees External to the Senate
Academic Advising Advisory Board |
Campus History Committee |
Center for Civic Engagement Advisory Board |
Committee on Academic Programs |
Dingledine Steering Committee |
Employee Advisory Committee Liaison |
Engaged Learning Team |
Leslie Harlacker (Vice President), Kristen McCleary, Harold Butler, and Katherine Ott Walter |
Faculty Handbook Committee |
General Education Council |
Michael Hickman |
Health and Well-Being Committee |
Honorary Degrees Committee |
Information Technology Strategic Advisory Council |
Sasha Kokhan |
Media Board |
Elizabeth Price |
Parking Advisory Committee |
Leslie Harlacker |
Provost’s Diversity Council |
Smita Mathur |
Restricted Programs Advisory Group |
Katherine Ott Walter |
Safety Committee |
David Parker |
Sexual Misconduct Prevention Alliance |
Katherine Ott Walter |
Please send corrections to Katherine Ott Walter.