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Note: Senators are listed alphabetically by academic unit.


Academic Unit

John Briggs

Accounting (COB)

Sarah Brooks

Art, Design and Art History (CVPA)

Liz Doyle

Biology (CSM)

Sasha Kokhan

Chemistry (CSM)

Shiree Harbick

Communication Sciences and Disorders (CHBS)

Leigh Nelson

Communication Studies (CAL)

Karen McDonnell

Communications Director (ex officio)

Ping Wang

Computer Information Systems and Business Analytics (COB)

Mona El-Kadi Rizvi

Computer Science (CISE)

Smita Mathur

Early, Elementary and Reading Education (COE)

Joanne Doyle

Economics (COB)

Kris Wiley

Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities (COE)

Steve Harper

Engineering (CISE)

Amanda Gerber

English (CAL)

David Parker

Finance and Business Law (COB)

Diana Galarreta

Foreign Languages (CAL)

Eric Pyle

Geology and Environmental Science (CSM)

Joe LeBlanc

Graduate Psychology (CHBS)

Augustus (Gus) Hallmon

Hart School of Hospitality, Sport and Recreation Management

Kay Harrison

Health Professions (CHBS)

Jill Lassiter

Health Sciences (CHBS)

Kristen McCleary

History (CAL)

Mikaela Schmitt-Harsh

Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies (US)

Emily York

Integrated Science and Technology (CISE)

Taimi Castle

Justice Studies (CAL)

Janet Wigglesworth

Kinesiology (CHBS)

Ying Jin

Learning, Technology and Leadership Education (COE)

Elizabeth Price


Marshall Pattie

Management (COB)

Cathy Snyder

Marketing (COB)

Caroline Lubert

Mathematics and Statistics (CSM)

Talé Mitchell 

Media Arts and Design (CAL)

Melanie Shoffner

Middle, Secondary and Mathematics Education (COE)

Andrew Eshelman

Military Science (COE)

Samuel Suggs

Music (CVPA)

Erica Lewis

Nursing (CHBS)

Donielle Janow

Part-time Faculty (CHBS)

Leslie Harlacker

Part-time Faculty (CAL)

Michael Trocchia

Part-time Faculty (Libraries, CAL)

Anne van Leeuwen

Philosophy and Religion (CAL)

Harold Butner

Physics (CSM)

Howard Lubert

Political Science (CAL)

Tracy Zinn

Psychology (CHBS)

Natasha Miller

Social Work (CHBS)

David Trouille

Sociology and Anthropology (CAL)

Katherine Ott Walter


Benjamin Selznick

Strategic Leadership Studies (COB)

Caroline Spurling

Student Representative

Peter Zazzali

Theatre and Dance (CVPA)

Michael Hickman

Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication (CAL)


Policies Committee

Smita Mathur, Chair 


Academic Unit

Ping Wang

Computer Information Systems and Business Analytics (COB)

Mona El-Kadi Rizvi

Computer Science (CISE)

Smita Mathur

Early, Elementary, and Reading Ed. (COE)

Caroline Lubert

Mathematics and Statistics (CSM)

Elizabeth Price

Libraries  (LIB)    

Howard Lubert

Political Science (CAL)

Steve Harper

Engineering (CISE) (Appeals)


Adjunct Affairs Committee

Leslie Harlacker, Chair 


Academic Unit

Natasha Miller

Social Work (CHBS)

Marshall Pattie

Management (COB)

Liz Doyle

Biology (CSM) (Appeals)

Donielle Janow

Part-time Faculty (CHBS)

Leslie Harlacker

Part-time Faculty (CAL)


Budget and Compensation and Government Relations Committee 

Harold Butner, Chair


Academic Unit

Andrew Eshelman

Military Science (COE)

David Parker

Finance and Business Law (COB)

Taimi Castle

Justice Studies (CAL)

Janet Wigglesworth

Kinesiology (CHBS)

Cathy Snyder

Marketing (COB)

Shiree Harbick

Communications Sciences and Disorders

Harold Butner

Physics (CSM)


Faculty Appeals Committee 

Talé Mitchell, Chair


Academic Unit

John Briggs

Accounting (COB)

Sarah Brooks

Art, Design and Art History (CVPA)

Liz Doyle

Biology (CSM)

Shiree Harbick

Communications Sciences and Disorders (CHBS)

Steve Harper

Engineering (CISE)

Talé Mitchell

Media Arts and Design (CAL)


Faculty Concerns Committee

Kristen McCleary, Chair


Academic Unit

Amanda Gerber

English (CAL)

Mikaela Schmitt-Harsh

IDLS (Univesity Studies)

Jill Lassiter

Health Sciences (CHBS)

Eric Pyle

Geology and Environmental Science (CSM)

Joanne Doyle

Economics (COB)

Emily York


Kristen McCleary

History (CAL)

Peter Zazzali

Theatre and Dance (CVPA) 


Research and Scholarship Committee

Melanie Shoffner, Chair 


Academic Unit

Leigh Nelson

Communications Studies (CAL)

Erica Lewis

Nursing (CHBS)

Sarah Brooks

Art, Design, and Art History (CVPA) (Appeals)

Melanie Shoffner

Middle, Secondary and Mathematics Education (COE)

Benjamin Selznick

Strategic Leadership Studies (COB)

Michael Hickman

Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication (CAL)


Teaching and Student Relations Committee 

Anne van Leeuwen, Chair


Academic Unit

Gus Hallmon 

Hart School of Hospitality, Sport and Recreation Management

Ying Jin

Learning, Technology and Leadership Education (COE) 

Anne van Leeuwen

Philosophy and Religion (CAL)

Tracy Zinn

Psychology (CHBS)   

Michael Trocchia

Part-time Faculty (Libraries, CAL)

Joe LeBlanc

Graduate Psychology (CHBS)


Shared Governance Committee

Sasha Kokhan, Interim Chair


Academic Unit

Kris Wiley

Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities (COE)

Samuel Suggs

Music (CVPA) 

Diana Galarreta

Foreign Languages (CAL)

Kay Harrison 

Health Professions (CHBS)   

John Briggs

Accounting (COB) (Appeals)

Sasha Kokhan

Chemistry (CSM)

David Trouille

Sociology and Anthropology (CAL)


Committees External to the Senate 

Academic Advising Advisory Board


Campus History Committee


Center for Civic Engagement Advisory Board


Committee on Academic Programs


Dingledine Steering Committee


Employee Advisory Committee Liaison


Engaged Learning Team


Faculty Senate of Virginia

Leslie Harlacker (Vice President), Kristen McCleary, Harold Butler, and Katherine Ott Walter

Faculty Handbook Committee


General Education Council

Michael Hickman

Health and Well-Being Committee


Honorary Degrees Committee


Information Technology Strategic Advisory Council

  Sasha Kokhan

Media Board

Elizabeth Price

Parking Advisory Committee

Leslie Harlacker

Provost’s Diversity Council

Smita Mathur

Restricted Programs Advisory Group 

Katherine Ott Walter

Safety Committee

David Parker

Sexual Misconduct Prevention Alliance

Katherine Ott Walter

Please send corrections to Katherine Ott Walter.

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