Assistant Professor
Contact Info
Ph.D., University of California, Davis
Fields and specialties
Modern India, Mughal Empire, environmental history
Teaching areas
South Asian environmental history, world environmental history, crime and criminality, and world history (early-modern & modern)
Research interests
British India, subaltern studies, environmental history, and India's princely states (especially Baroda)
Selected publications and presentations
"Hunting for Meaning: British Hunters, Banjara Hunters, and Overcoming Threats to Colonial Order in Nineteenth-Century India," Environmental History, Volume 25, Issue 3 (July 2020)
“The Path to Criminality: Building Roads and the Fall of the Banjaras in Colonial India,” presented at Re-centring the ‘Pariah’: Caste, Tribe and Criminality in South Asia, University of Leeds, United Kingdom, June 2017
“Child Trafficking by the Banjaras in the 19th Century,” presented at the 43rd Annual Conference on South Asia, Madison, Wisconsin, October 2014
“Fellow Shikaris: Banjara and British Hunters in Colonial India,” presented at the Subaltern Popular Workshop—Popular Futures: Affect, Action, Archive, University of California, Santa Barbara, February 2014