JMU Honor Code and Academic Honesty
Making references to the work of others strengthens your own work by granting you greater authority and by showing that you are part of a discussion located within an intellectual community. When you make references to the ideas of others, it is essential to provide proper attribution and citation. Failing to do so is considered academically dishonest, as is copying or paraphrasing someone else’s work. The results of such behavior will lead to consequences ranging from failure on an assignment, to failure in the course, to dismissal from the university. Please ask if you are in doubt about the use of a citation. Honest mistakes can always be corrected or prevented. For some basic citation information, consult the JMU Libraries Chicago/Turabian Citation Guide.
Academic dishonesty is not limited to plagiarism. Other examples of academic dishonesty include cheating on tests or homework, taking an exam or writing a paper for someone else, and selling or uploading unauthorized documents from a class. Talk with your instructor if you have questions regarding academic honesty. The JMU Honor Code is available from the Honor Council Web site:
Intellectual Property
Any tests, assignments, or other material presented or distributed to you in this course are for your exclusive use only and not to be shared with anyone or published to any entity (other than a student presently enrolled in this class), without your professor’s express written permission.
Publishing, sharing or distribution of said material without your professor’s express written permission, including, but not limited to, distribution through any online site, will be a violation of the professor’s copyright in the materials (including lectures), and thus may be considered an Honor Code violation resulting in a failing grade for the course and/or such other action as may be deemed appropriate by the University.
Registration Dates and Deadlines
The Office of the Registrar maintains a list of important dates and deadlines for each semester. Students are responsible for knowing about the last day to drop/add a class, the last day to withdraw from a class (Course Adjustment deadline) as well as the date and time of the final exam.
CAL First-Week Attendance Policy
At the instructor's discretion, any student registered for a class in the College of Arts and Letters who does not attend the first two (2) scheduled meetings of the class (or does not attend the first scheduled meeting of a class that meets once a week) may be administratively dropped from the class. Students dropped for non-attendance will be notified via e-mail by the Associate Dean of the College.
Students who fail to attend the first two meetings of a class for which they are registered but who do not receive an e-mail notification have not been administratively dropped by their instructor. Unless those students drop the course on their own, they will receive a grade at the end of the semester. All students are responsible for verifying the accuracy of their schedules and changes made in their schedule via e-mail and through the web.
Disability Accommodations
JMU abides by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, which mandate reasonable accommodations be provided for students with documented disabilities. If you have not already done so, you will need to register with the Office of Disability Services, the designated office on campus to provide services for students with disabilities. The office is located in Student Success Center, Suite 1202 and you may call (540) 568-6705 for more information, or visit their website
If you have a disability and may require some type of instructional and/or examination accommodations, please contact your instructor early in the semester so that s/he can provide or facilitate provision of accommodations you may need. Documentation from the Office of Disability Services is required.
Religious Accommodations
All faculty are required to give reasonable and appropriate accommodations to students requesting them on grounds of religious observation. The faculty member determines what accommodations are appropriate for his/her course. Students should notify the faculty by no later than the end of the Drop-Add period the first week of the semester of potential scheduled absences and determine with the instructor if mutually acceptable alternative methods exist for completing the missed classroom time. Contact the Office of Equal Opportunity at or (540) 568-6991 if you have additional questions.
Gender Based Violence
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 states "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance." Faculty are considered mandatory reporters of sexual violence disclosures, but confidential resources are available at JMU. If you need assistance of any kind with sexual assault, intimate partner violence, or stalking, please consult Well Dules.
James Madison University is a community dedicated to diversity and inclusivity. As faculty, we believe that learning environments should support a diversity of thoughts, perspectives, experiences, and identities. We invite you to share anything with us that might help create a more inclusive and welcoming learning environment.
Inclement Weather
James Madison University is primarily a self-contained campus with a large number of residential students requiring a variety of support services, regardless of inclement weather conditions or emergency situations. For the safety and well-being of its student and employees, the university may close or limit its services based on inclement weather or other emergencies.
Refer to the following sources for information on closings or delays:
- JMU Weather Line (540) 433-5300
- JMU radio station 1610 AM
- JMU’s home page:
- Area radio and television stations
- JMU Office of Public Safety, which is responsible for announcements on Emergency Notification System