The Madison Historical Review (MHR) is a peer-reviewed academic journal operated by graduate students in the History Department at James Madison University. Established in 2003, the MHR publishes the work of graduate students at peer institutions, offering both the journal’s editorial staff and contributing authors a unique introductory experience in scholarly publishing and peer review. The MHR is committed to helping emerging historians refine their research, polish their analytical and writing skills, and enhance their professional development. With more than 19,010 article downloads a year, MHR reaches a wide audience.
Call for Proposals
The Madison Historical Review (MHR) accepts submissions for the Spring volume starting in the fall and ending on December 15th. The MHR is a peer-reviewed academic journal, dedicated to publishing the work of graduate students in the fields of American, Public, and World History. MA students and first-and second-year PhD students in history-centered programs, including but not limited to history, art history, archaeology, and public history, are eligible to apply. PhD students beyond their second year are eligible to submit work initiated in the first two years of graduate study. The MHR accepts a variety of scholarship-based submissions, including articles grounded in original research, historiographical essays, and reviews of books, exhibits, and websites. All articles should include a clear and obvious thesis that is supported by primary sources and carried throughout the entire paper. A $100 prize will be awarded by the MHR committee in recognition of the most outstanding article published in the Spring issue.
The deadline for submissions is December 15th.Please follow below link for submission guidelines. The MHR’s mission is to support fellow graduate students at peer institutions by offering a unique introductory experience in scholarly publishing and peer review. Established in 2003, the MHR is housed within the History Department at James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, and is committed to helping emerging historians refine their research, polish their analytical and writing skills, and enhance their professional development.
To submit a paper please go to: https://commons.lib.jmu.edu/mhr/
Contact Information
Volume 21
Executive Editor
Kevin Johnson
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Christian Davis
Editorial Board
Contact information: Kevin Johnson, Editor (mhr@jmu.edu)