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Ph.D., Brandeis University

Research interests

Twentieth-century Spanish political, social, and women's history; women in right-wing politics and in dictatorships; Catholicism in twentieth-century Spain

Teaching areas

World history since 1500; Modern European political, social, and women’s history, Spanish history, Latin American history, revolution and upheaval in modern history, comparative fascism; women's and gender studies

Selected publications and presentations

“Pilar Primo de Rivera: Reactionary Reformer during the Franco Dictatorship (1939-1975)” presented at the Southeastern Women’s Studies Association Conference, Atlanta, GA, March 2011

“Women, Fascism and Work in Francoist Spain: The Law for Political, Professional and Labour Rights,” Gender and History, July 2011.

"The Sección Femenina in Francoist Spain, 1934-1977: Women, Work, and Change” presented at the Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Ottawa, Canada, April 2010.

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