Contact Info
Curriculum Vitae
Website: http://www.evanfriss.com
Ph. D., Graduate Center, City University of New York
Teaching fields and research specialties
U.S., urban, and public history
The Bookshop: A History of the American Bookstore (Viking, 2024). [New York Times Bestseller; Time’s 100 Must-Read Books of 2024;The New Yorker’s Best Books of 2024; Christian Science Monitor’s Best Books of 2024; People magazine’s Book of the Week; Literary Hub’s Best Reviewed Nonfiction of 2024; Goodreads Choice Award for History, 2024]
On Bicycles: A 200-Year History of Cycling in New York City (Columbia University Press, 2019).
The Cycling City: Bicycles and Urban America in the 1890s (University of Chicago Press, 2015).
Selected Articles
“Where Did All the Black Bookshops Go,” Washington Post, August 6, 2024.
“The Bookstore That Helped Create Modern American Literature,” Wall Street Journal, August 2, 2024.
“Historians’ Books: The Cycling City,” History & Policy (April 2016).
“Writing Bicycles: The Historiography of Cycling in the United States,” Mobility in History, 6 (2015).
“The Path Not Taken: The Rise of America’s Cycle Paths and the Fall of Urban Cycling,” in Sanderson, Gary W., ed., Cycle History 20 (Cheltenham, England: John Pinkerton Memorial Publishing Fund, 2010).
“Blacks, Jews, and Civil Rights Law in New York, 1895-1913,” Journal of American Ethnic History (Summer 2005).
“From Cooperstown to University Heights: Halls of Fame and American Memory,” Journal of Archival Organization, 3, no. 4 (2005).
Selected Media
"Browsing Is a Pleasure in This History of the Bookstore," New York Times, August 4, 2024.
"Serious browsers will love this history of American bookstores," Washington Post, August 1, 2024.
"Evan Friss on the Enduring Power of the Bookshop," KQED (NPR), Forum, August 2024.
"The Past, Present, and Future of our Favorite Bookstores," 1A (NPR), August 2024.
"Lessons from the History of Cycling in NYC," amNewYork, July 31, 2019.
" 'Critical Mass': The Bike Ride That Changed the City," WNYC (NPR Radio), July 25, 2019.
"Bicycle Diaries: Two Centuries of New York City History," New York Times, May 23, 2019.
"On Bicycles," All of It with Alison Stewart, WNYC (NPR Radio), May 10, 2019.
"It’s Been a Bumpy 200-Year Ride for NYC’s Historically Hated Bikes," New York Post, March 2019.
"New Exhibition Tracks the Centuries-Old Urban Debate Over Bicycles," Metropolis, March 2019.
"How Bicycles Ignited 200 Years of Controversy in New York City," Curbed, March 2019.
C-Span Lecture on "The Suburbs," January 2017
“Bicycle Fever at the Turn of the Century,” interview on NPR's “With Good Reason,” July 2016.