Associate Professor
Contact Info
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Cornell University
Research interests
Old Regime France; absolutist state-building; everyday life and culture; gender; bodies; work practices; production, consumption and market exchange; social and geographic mobility
Teaching areas
World History; European History; French History; Historical Methods; Global Urban History, Integrative General Education
Selected publications and presentations
Tangled Interests: The Cultural Politics of Wigmaking in Old Regime France (forthcoming)
“La Taxe sur les Perruques de 1706: L'Intégration du Corps dans la Société Marchande de l'Ancien Régime” in Actes du colloque international du Centre de Recherche du Château de Versailles: “Cultures de cour, cultures de corps en Europe, XIVème-XVIIIème siècles” (Paris: Presses Universitaires de Paris-Sorbonne, August 2011), 229-244.
“Illicit Wigmaking in Eighteenth-Century Paris,” in Eighteenth-Century Studies, 38:1 (2004), 119-137.
“Japanese-Americans at the Portland YWCA,” in Journal of Women's History 15:3 (Autumn 2003), 197-203.
Director of ongoing Integrative General Education undergraduate research project “The World is Harrisonburg, 1965-2020: A Global Urban History of Immigration and Refugee Resettlement”
Cluster One representative on General Education Council
General Education 300-Level Integrative Course Committee
Institute for Historical Research at the University of Texas Austin
Bourse Chateaubriand