Contact Info
Curriculum Vitae
Director, public history concentration
Ph.D., University of Delaware
M.A. University of Delaware Winterthur Program in American Material Culture
B.A. University of Pennsylvania
Fields and specialties
Cultural landscapes, vernacular architecture, historic preservation, material culture, historical archaeology, public history, U.S. history
Teaching areas
Material culture, public history, U.S. history, museums and public memory, historic preservation
Selected publications
Lanier, Gabrielle M., subject editor for “North America” section (approximately 220 entries). In Marcel Vellinga, ed., Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, second edition (five volumes). London: Bloomsbury Press, forthcoming.
Lanier, Gabrielle M. “Architecture and Cultural Landscapes.” In Simon J. Bronner and Joshua R. Brown, eds., Pennsylvania Germans: An Interpretive Encyclopedia. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2017: 205-227. Invited essay. (Winner of the “Best Scholarly Title” and “Outstanding Academic Title” awards for 2017 in the January 2018 issue of Choice, published by the American Library Association.)
Lanier, Gabrielle M. “Landscapes.” In Sally McMurry and Nancy Van Dolsen, eds., Architecture and Landscape of the Pennsylvania Germans, 1720-1920. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011: 10-31.
Lanier, Gabrielle M. “An Early Road to the Old West.” In Warren R. Hofstra and Karl Raitz, eds., The Great Valley Road of Virginia: Shenandoah Landscapes from Prehistory to the Present. Charlottesville and London: University of Virginia Press, 2010: 108-134. Invited essay. (Winner of the 2010 Allen Noble Book Award for the best edited book in the field of North American material culture, awarded by the International Society for Landscape, Place, & Material Culture.)
Lanier, Gabrielle M. The Delaware Valley in the Early Republic: Architecture, Landscape, and Regional Identity. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005.
Lanier, Gabrielle M. and Bernard L. Herman. Everyday Architecture of the Mid-Atlantic: Looking at Buildings and Landscapes. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997. (Winner of the 1999 Fred B. Kniffen Prize for the best book in material culture, awarded by the International Society for Landscape, Place, & Material Culture and the 1999 Preservation Award, awarded by the New Castle County, Delaware, Department of Preservation and Planning.)
Author or co-author of over 30 technical reports on sites in Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maine, Virginia, and West Virginia
Delineator for over 30 documentation projects for the Historic American Buildings Survey or Historic American Engineering Record
Reviews in Agricultural History, American Historical Review, Buildings & Landscapes, Common-place, Historical Archaeology, Journal of American History, Journal of Architectural Education, Journal of the Early Republic, Journal of Social History, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Journal of Southern History, Ohio Valley History, Pennsylvania History, Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, Register of the Kentucky Historical Society, Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Winterthur Portfolio
Manuscript referee for AltaMira Press, Bedford St. Martin’s, Buildings and Landscapes, Johns Hopkins University Press, Journal of the Early Republic, McGraw-Hill, Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, The Public Historian, Rowman and Littlefield, Routledge, University of Pennsylvania Press, University of Pittsburgh Press, University of Virginia Press, University of Tennessee Press
Selected Professional Service
Virginia Department of Historic Resources, State Review Board, 2009-present
University of Virginia Press, Editorial Board, 2006-2009 and 2012-2015
Vernacular Architecture Forum, Board of Directors, 1993-1996; Secretary, 1996-2015
Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia, Board of Trustees, gubernatorial appointments, 2004-2012