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Curriculum Vitae
Program Co-Director: Argentina Study Abroad |
Education Ph.D., University of California at Los Angeles Fields and specialties Latin American history, urban culture, film and photography Teaching areas Latin American history, world history, urban cultural history Research interests Popular culture in Argentina, Latin American theater and film, Latin American and United States cultural relations Selected publications “From Barcelona to Buenos Aires and Beyond: The Spanish Zarzuela and Theatre Migration to the Americas,” for Theatre as Migrants, Palgrave’s series on "Transnational Theatre Historiographies,” forthcoming Fall 2024. Staging Buenos Aires: Theater, Politics and Society in Argentina, 1860-1920, Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh University Press (Latin American Studies Series) 2024. |
My monograph centers theater as a source of historical inquiry to understand the ways in which non-elites experienced and shaped a city undergoing dramatic transformations. |
“Playing with Fire: Theaters, Amusement Parks and Nightclubs and the Search for Safety” in Safe and Sound, ZK/U Berlin Germany, October 2017 (in English and German). “Performance, Nation, and Identity: The Spanish Zarzuela in Argentina, 1890-1900,” Tobias Becker and Kedar Kulkani, editors, Journal of Nineteenth Century Theater and Film, November 2017. This is a special volume on traveling theater and adaptation. "Papás, malevos, and patotas: 'Character'izing Masculinity on the Stages and in the Audiences of Buenos Aires, 1880-1920" in Carolina Rocha, editor, Muy Machos: Modern Argentine Masculinities (London: Intellect Books), 2013. "Inflaming the Fears of Theater Goers: How Fires Shaped the Public Sphere in Buenos Aires, 1880-1910," in Greg Bankoff et al., Flammable Cities: Urban Conflagration and the Making of the Modern World. University of Wisconsin Press, 2012. "Ethnic Identity and Elite Idyll: A Comparison of Carnival Celebrations in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Montevideo, Uruguay, 1880-1910," Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, Vol 16 No. 4, 2010, pp. 497-517. (These essays were republished in Carnival Art, Culture and Politics: Performing Life, Michaeline Crichlow, editor, London: Routledge Press, 2012). |