Associate Professor
Contact Info
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Indiana University-Bloomington
Teaching Fields
World since 1500, Russian and Soviet history, the Great War, history of nationalism
Research Interests
Russia/Soviet Union, 1890s-1930s; social history; peasant studies; the police; food supply; World
War I
Selected Publications and Presentations
“Land for Service: Russian Peasant Views of a Postwar Land Settlement during World War I.” In
Russia’s Home Front in War and Revolution, 1914-1922. Book 3, National Disintegration and
Reintegration, edited by Adele Lindenmeyr, Christopher Read, and Peter Waldron, 297-320.
Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers, 2018.
“‘Vino kazennoe, i my kazennye’: Krestiane-prizyvniki i zapret prodazhi spirtnykh napitkov v
Rossii v 1914 g.” In Malen’kii chelovek i bol’shaia voina v istorii Rossii, seredina XIX – seredina
XX v. Materialy mezhdunarodnogo kollokviuma (Sankt-Peterburg, 17-20 iiunia 2013 g.), 161-74.
St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriia, 2014.
“The Right to Consumption: Russian Peasants, the State, and Food Supply in World War I,”
presented at the Association of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies 49 th annual
convention, Chicago, IL, November 2017.
“Demonstrations and Lamentations: Urban and Rural Responses to War in Russia in 1914.” The
Historian 71, no. 3 (Fall 2009): 355-75.