Associate Professor
Contact Info
Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies and Integrated Social Sciences faculty and advisor
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin
Fields and specialties
Early modern Europe; science and technology; imperial and colonial systems; teacher education
Teaching areas
History of science, science and religion, comparative empires, world history to 1500
Research interests
Early modern navigation, exploration, and state-building, history of cartography
Selected publications
“Controlling Knowledge: Navigation, Cartography, and Secrecy in the Early Modern Spanish Atlantic” pp. 31-51 in Nicholas Dew and James Delbourgo, eds., Beyond the New Atlantis: Science and Empire in the Atlantic World, 1500-1800. Routledge, 2008.
“Spanish Nautical Cartography” pp. 1095-1142 in David Woodward, ed., The History of Cartography, Volume Three: Cartography in the European Renaissance. University of Chicago Press, 2007.
“Latitude, Longitude, and Ideas about the Utility of Science” pp. 371-381 in Victor Navarro Brotòns and William Eamon, eds., Beyond the Black Legend: Spain and the Scientific Revolution / Mas allá de la Leyenda Negra: España y la Revolución Científica. Valencia: Soler, 2007.