How the Act Affects You | Prohibited Conduct | Conflict of Interests Training | Frequently Asked Questions
Related Links | Contacts for COI Process | Troubleshooting the Electronic Filing System - Filers
Conflict of Interests
Conflict of Interests (COI) occur when a university employee or a member of his/her immediate family has personal interests, or benefits or suffers from his/her participation in contracts or transactions considered by JMU. No JMU employee shall have personal interests in contracts with JMU, other than that employee’s own contract of employment. See Prohibited Conduct
As a requirement of the State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, and the Governor's Executive Order 8, university employees in certain designated positions are obligated to disclose their financial interests in order to prevent inappropriate conflicts between personal economic interests and the official duties.
University employees designated to file disclosure statements include presidents, vice presidents, provosts, deans, and any other persons as designated by the institution including those persons with approval authority over contracts or audits. See How the Act Affects You
Pursuant to § 2.2-3128 of the Code of Virginia, individuals who file a Statement of Economic Interests with the Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council (Council) must complete Conflict of Interests training within 60 days of beginning employment and once every two years thereafter. See Conflict of Interests Training
Filing period for Statements of Economic Interests
Time period that the filing covers: January 1 - December 31 of prior calendar year |
Due by: February 1 |