
All university positions are broken into general groups based upon the nature of their purpose and function; Instructional Faculty, Administrative and & Professional Faculty, Classified staff, Wage staff, etc. All classified and non-student wage positions are further broken down into specific roles, or classifications, based upon the nature of the work and levels of complexity, results and accountability. An accurate position description is essential in determining an accurate classification. Job classification is indicated by the state role title (ex: Trades Technician I, Administrative Office Specialist III, etc.). Below are resources for classification.


JMU believes that compensation is a key element in recruiting, retaining, motivating and rewarding a qualified, committed and diverse workforce necessary to fulfill the university's goals and objectives. One of the underlying principles of the university’s compensation philosophy is to focus on the value of total compensation, which includes but is not limited to salary and non-salary benefits such as healthcare, retirement, life insurance, disability insurance, tuition waivers, annual, and sick leave. For information on the non-salary components of total compensation, please see the Benefits site. Please select the appropriate position type below for resources.

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