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To effectively deal with conflict, an appropriate course of action must be taken to produce the change that leads to a positive work experience. HR Consulting Services offers Workplace Conflict Consultation to include coaching, facilitated conversations and mediation to assist employees to find resolution.

Coaching: One-on-one conversations to assist supervisors in identifying problem areas and developing action plans to foster change.

Facilitated Conversation: A dialogue between two or more individuals led by an unbiased third party to overcome workplace obstacles. Though not designed to result in agreements, it may serve that purpose.

Mediation: A structured and interactive process designed to provide participants with the opportunity for open dialogue so that a workable solution is reached for moving forward.

About Workplace Conflict Consultation
Designed to encourage open conversation and understanding between parties, coaching, facilitated conversation and mediation are tools to create a harmonious work environment. Each participant is encouraged to have open and honest discussion, determine and clarify issues and cooperatively establish steps towards achieving positive outcomes.

Who serve as Workplace Conflict Consultants?
JMU employees who have been trained to assist participants in arriving at their own solutions.

Contact your department's HR Consultant, who will provide you a confidential assessment of your situation.

Contact Information
HR Consulting Services: (540)568-7247

James Madison University
Wine Price Building
MSC 7009
752 Ott Street
Harrisonburg, VA 22807

Directions to Wine Price Building/Map

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