You will use Cardinal HCM to make your online Open Enrollment and Qualifying Mid-Year event elections per the instructions below:

  • Access Cardinal before the Open Enrollment period begins by visiting Be sure to validate or update your phone number, email and home address.

  • Your Member ID to login to Cardinal is going to be the seven numerical digits on your health insurance card with two leading zeros and two zeros following, Ex: 00-------00

  • Once in Cardinal beginning May 2, 2022, select Cardinal HCM.

  • Click on the Benefit Details tile.

  • Once the Benefit Details page displays, click the Benefits Enrollment list item on the left-hand side of the screen.

  • When on the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Start button.

  • The Benefits Enrollment page refreshes with the Open Enrollment Benefits displaying.

  • Click the Review link within the Medical tile to begin the Open Enrollment process.

For detailed instructions, visit 

Para obtener instrucciones en español, consulte la página 10 de este documento 

If you decide to make changes to your benefits enrollment during the Open Enrollment period, you can click on the Benefit Details tile>Benefits Enrollment and click on the Re-Elect button next to the Open Enrollment event. After Open Enrollment has ended, any changes to benefits elections need to be assessed and completed by your Benefits Administrator.

MyVRS - An online service of the Virginia Retirement System where you can create an online account that provides secure access to current member information and monthly benefit estimates.

Questions? Contact your Benefits Specialist in Human Resources.

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