Basic Membership Information
The Marching Royal Dukes is open to ALL JMU students. All incoming students should receive an invitation to join the band in May. This will be e-mailed to your JMU address and will include a link to our online registration form. Or you can simply re-visit our website in May to complete the membership form (below).
To request information, please contact the band office at (540) 568-6656 or marchingroyaldukes@jmu.edu
To be considered for the MRD Drumline or Front Ensemble you must submit a video audition by June 1st 2024 and attend the in-person auditions on SATURDAY, July 6, 2024. Please visit the PERCUSSION AUDITION PAGE linked below to sign-up and receive additional information about the process.
- PERCUSSION Auditions (Front Ensemble & Drumline)
Upon successful completion of the audition, you will receive your invitation to participate in our pre-season band camp.
To be considered for the Color Guard you must attend auditions in Late June. Once we are aware of your interest in performing as a color guard member, additional information about the auditions will be available on our website. Please visit our GUARD AUDITION PAGE linked below to sign-up and receive additional information about the process.
Upon successful completion of the audition, you will receive your invitation to participate in our pre-season band camp.
All wind players receive a marching spot for our Pregame show. Auditions for halftime/ travel marching spots are held during our pre-season camp and will include music and marching segments. Season music will be available for all prospective members during the summer.
How Much Does it Cost to be a Member?
The JMU Bands will pick up the tab for almost all costs* of being a member, including your meals and residence hall expenses during our required pre-season camp, season travel, and performance day food and drink. The only required cost for members is a $150 course fee applied to your student account when you register for the class.
When is the Pre-Season Band Camp?
MRD CAMP begins on the week before Fall classes. All MRDs living on campus will be able to move into their assigned dorm room for the year. During this week, we will have music and marching rehearsals, audition for marching spots (winds), and put together our first Halftime and Pre Game shows. When classes begin, you will already be in your residence hall, be familiar with campus, and ready to start the school year. Camp details will be available for all members on the MRD Band Camp page.
NOTE: Pre-season camp information will be updated/available May 2024.
When Are Regular Rehearsals?
The band rehearses Monday-Friday 6:00-7:30pm at Bridgeforth Stadium and other athletic fields on campus.
MONDAY: Sectionals
TUESDAY - THURSDAY: Music/Visual rehearsals
FRIDAY: Full rehearsal/continuity - rehearsals are only held on Fridays if we have a game/performance that weekend.
What is the Size of the Band?
The Marching Royal Dukes are proud to be considered one of the largest college marching band programs in the country. Since 2007 the size of the band has been over 400. In recent years the MRDs have enjoyed a membership of around 485. This includes approximately 350 brass and woodwinds, 45 percussion, 50 color guard, 20 dance team members, 5 drum majors, and a student staff of around 15.
Joining the Band
To join the band, simply follow the steps below and you're on your way.
- Click the link that applies to you:
- All New Members (Freshmen and Transfer Students) Enroll in MUAP 237 - Section 0003 during your Summer Orientation registration period.