Welcome Directors!

Below you will find information about the 47th Annual JMU Parade of Champions.  Please feel free to download the available information, and if you need additional details or have any questions, please feel free to contact Scott Rikkers rikkersd@jmu.edu or Kirk Weaver weaverkr@jmu.edu


Contest Schedule

Event Map

Stadium Map

Equipment Truck

Ticket Info 

This year's competition will be held on Saturday, October 4, 2025.

Application entry fee is $300.


Applications must be submitted electronically via our new Iris application and payment portal. We allow for the $300 entry fee to be paid by credit card (or check by using code:POCCheck25 at checkout).

Please note all updates to band information (Band size, Non-Playing Members, etc.) must be submitted by the September 1st deadline, but initial registration only requires contact information to be filled out.

Once you have created (or logged into your previous Iris account) you can use that login to make all informational changes. We will be following up via an emailed form to acquire additional event information (i.e. electricity needs, motorized vehicles, equipment staging, etc.) from Band directors after the registration period has concluded. 

Please use the application link below.

POC 2025 - Registration & Payment Portal - AVAILABLE April 2025

IMPORTANT: For 2025, there will be an initial limit of 10 bands per class (based on instrumentation indicated on your application). A waitlist will be established when classes are full. A follow-up email will be sent to update numbers in August, at which point classes will be updated and open spots will be filled. 

IMPORTANT: Your application is not considered complete until we have received BOTH your online application AND your payment. The application deadline is August 15, 2025.  This is a popular event and spots fill up quickly, so the sooner we receive BOTH your online application and your payment, the more assurance you have of being a part of the competition.

Performance order will be determined based on receiving fully paid applications.

NOTE: For 2025, there will be an initial limit of 10 bands per class (based on instrumentation indicated on your application). A waitlist will be established when classes are full. A follow-up email will be sent to update numbers in August, at which point classes will be updated and open spots will be filled. **This applies to ALL bands, including the 2024 class winners!  There will be no exceptions. 


  1. If you pay by credit card your payment will be timestamped in the Iris payment system.
  2. If you pay by check (which need to made out to "JMU Bands"), the postmark of your payment letter will be used as the timestamp. 

*A $50.00 fee will be assessed for any check returned by the bank, as per JMU Financial Procedures Policy.


Already Have An IRIS Account?

The IRIS Registration & Payment system requires you to first create an account with an email address and password.

If you already have an IRIS account from last year, you can use your same account (email address and password) this year. If prompted for a code use POC2025.

If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it using the “Forgot Your Password?” link.

New To IRIS?

If this is your first time using the IRIS system, you will first need to create an account using an email address and password.

Once you have created your account, you will be able to complete the online Registration Information and make payments.

You will use this IRIS account any time you access your registration and payment portal.

New Account Trouble Shooting

If you attempted to set up a new IRIS account with your email and a password that meets the minimum security qualifications but it won’t let you set up the account the reason might be that you already have an existing IRIS account. Try using the “Forgot Your Password?” link.



There will be five (or six, depending on band sizes) classes at this event. Class size is determined by the total number of wind and percussion members; Drum Majors, Color Guard, Banner Holders, etc., are excluded from this count.


Our contest features a panel of nationally and internationally recognized adjudicators from across the United States. Judges will be evaluating the following captions:

Music Performance – Ensemble

Music Performance – Individual (on-field)

Music General Effect

Visual Performance – Ensemble

Visual Performance – Individual (on-field)

Visual General Effect

Judge Comments: Each director will receive all digitally-recorded feedback from the judges at the conclusion of the contest.  A Google link will be e-mailed to each director prior to the contest. Additionally score sheets and a class recap sheet will be included in each director’s post-contest packet provided at the awards ceremony. Due to the size of the contest and facility limitations, JMU is not able to offer a judge’s critique at the end of your band’s performance.

Recap Sheets: Due to physical and timing limitations, we are unable to give complete contest recap sheets at the conclusion of the event. A recap sheet for each class will be included in the post-contest packet. However, a complete contest recap will be compiled and e-mailed to all directors on the Monday following the contest, as well as made available on our website at www.jmu.edu/mrd/poc.shtml


Questions related to registration and payment please contact our Administrative Assistant - Kirk Weaver at: weaverkr@jmu.edu


Contest Guidelines

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