Mosaic Connections


The Mosaic Connections program is a three (3) day experience which brings new students together before Weeks of Welcome to:

  - Move in early and make new friends 

  - Get immersed in the JMU/CMSS Culture 

  - Get acclimated to the JMU/Harrisonburg Community

  - Gain skills to navigate the collegiate experience 

  - Develop community-building and leadership tools 

  - Peer-Mentorship


Program Mission: 

The Mosaic Connections program seeks to energize, equip, and engage first year and transfer students from different backgrounds to the collegiate experience as New Dukes. Students will gain access to on campus and community resources, build community among fellow students, explore what it means to hold different identities, and celebrate this new transition. 

Program Goal:

The ultimate goal of the Mosaic Connections program is for multicultural students to get connected and find their sense of belonging within the JMU, CMSS, and Harrisonburg Community. As you benefit from these connections, we want you to pay it forward by helping other students do the same as a MC (Mosaic Connector)! 

Cost: $150, includes housing, meals, and transportation.

If you would like more information or have further questions please check the FAQ's below and/or please email

Mosaic Connections FAQs

Becoming an MC (Mosaic Connector) gives you an opportunity to connect with new peers, get early access to campus resources, and gain tools needed to navigate the collegiate experience. 

The Mosaic Connections program will begin on Wednesday August 14, 2024, and end on August 16, 2024. New Dukes (Mosaic Connectors) will get the opportunity to move into their residence hall early. The Mosaic Connections program will end in time for you to participate in all the Weeks of Welcome events. Participating in Mosaic Connections gives you a head start on learning the campus, making friends, and making JMU/Harrisonburg your home. 


New Dukes (Mosaic Connectors) will move into the residence halls from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM on Wednesday August 14, 2024. 


The participation fee includes early access to your assigned residence hall, some meals, transportation, activities, swag items, and materials. The cost is $150.00.

All activities for the Mosaic Connections program will take place throughout the day and within the JMU/Harrisonburg community, which means you will be able to live in the residence hall assigned to you this academic year.


All New Dukes (incoming first-year and transfer students) are welcome to join us!

The Mosaic Connections program will have up to 100 New Dukes participating. During this experience, we will spend a lot of time connecting as a large group and within small groups facilitated by our Mosaic Ambassadors. Connections will be formed through participating in program activities, breakout discussions, engaging with peers, and our social gatherings. You will also have a chance to connect with a variety of Faculty and Staff members on campus.


TENTATIVE schedule for Mosaic Connections 2024

Wednesday Thursday Friday
Morning Morning Morning
  • Move into residence halls (9am-Noon)
  • Lunch on your own
  • Breakfast on your own
  • Group Activity
  • Lunch
  • Breakfast on your own
  • Group Session
  • Group Session
  • Lunch
Afternoon Afternoon Afternoon
  • Community-building
  • Group Session
  • Campus Tour 
  • Group Session
  • Panel Discussion 
  • Closing Session/Social 
Evening Evening
  • Dinner on campus
  • Social Gathering
  • Dinner 
  • Social Gathering

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