How Do I Get Involved With An Organization?
BeInvolved is a central hub for all student organization contact information.
Leadership Meetings
These meetings take place monthly, and are an invitation for executive board members student organizations. This is an opportunity for org leadership to come together to share information about upcoming events, create avenues for collaboration, receive important updates and opportunities from staff, and hear from guest speakers about leadership and careers.
Student Leadership and Involvement
All recognized student organizations at JMU are supported through the office of Student Leadership and Involvement (SLI). While CMSS provides additional support to the student organizations we work with, SLI still has a wealth of resources for your organization. Please visit SLI's Student Organizations page for more information.
Wellness Passport Proposals
The Wellness Passport is a required assignment for all students enrolled in HTH100 Personal Wellness. If your upcoming program or event meets the various objectives of the HTH100 wellness dimensions, your student organization can submit the program to be considered as a Passport Event. You can find more information here for the dimension requirements. In order to submit a request for your program to be a Passport Event, please send the following information to Dianne Nibblins at
- Program title
- Program date
- Program start and end time
- Program location (and room capacity)
- Program sponsors (if applicable)
- Brief description of program
- Program dimension(s): Intellectual, Emotional, Social/Cultural, Occupational, Spiritual, Environmental
Please note that program proposals must be submitted at least 15 business days prior to the program date. The program or event can not exceed the maximum time limit of an hour and a half.
Leadership Summit
This event takes place early in the fall semester of every year. Exectutive board members of student organizations are able to gain insight from leaders around campus and beyond, and participate in workshops to learn and develop skills that will enhance their upcoming year in leadership. Sessions and speaker topics may range in areas of leadership, diversity and inclusion, event planning, recruitment of members, branding, career development, and so forth. Each year the program brings new dynamic facilitators, and a wealth of information to CMSS student organizations.