JMU Kodály Teacher Training
July 14-25, 2025
Register is open NOW!
James Madison University is proud to offer Kodály Teacher Training here on our campus. For the summer of 2025, we will be offering Levels I & II. It is endorsed by the Organization of American Kodály Educators and is held during the summer, when those actively teaching in the field can join us.
Enhance musicianship
Develop long-range planning skills
Learn new songs, games, techniques, & ideas
Develop efficient, engaging, & intentional lessons
- Opportunity to work with JMU Music Education faculty.
- Our students have the opportunity to observe nationally-recognized experienced veteran teachers and conductors.
- Our setting is beautiful, pastoral, and quiet, and our facilities are excellent.
- Our curriculum combines a strong basis in Kodály tradition and time-tested methodology with research-based innovation and openness to the most effective new techniques and tools, including those found in other approaches.

Fees, Housing, & Meals
Workshop Fee: $950 (workshop fee is not paid when taking for credit)
For credit in-state: $1,683.00 (3 credit course)
For credit out-of-state: $3,873.00 (3 credit course)
Participants will study pedagogy, musical materials, choral conducting, and musicianship/solfege. The JMU course is endorsed by the Organization of American Kodály Educators.
Housing and meals are additional. Housing is available in air-conditioned Apartments on Grace. See a virtual tour of the Apartments on Grace.
Participants may choose to stay on campus and purchase a meal plan. Each room will have 2 sheets, 1 pillow and pillowcase, 2 towels, 1 washcloth, and 1 blanket. Linens are provided folded in each room (beds are not pre-made).
Double occupancy: $315.00
Single occupancy: $365.00
You may check in as early as 7/13/2025 and check out as late as 7/26/2025.
Meals are available in JMU dining facilities. Meals can be purchased à la carte*:
- Breakfast: $10.53
- Lunch: $13.13
- Dinner: $13.52
- Total: $37.18 + 12.3% tax. Tax includes meals and state sales tax.
*Within IRIS, the registration site, you can select the number of breakfasts, lunches, and dinners you would like to purchase. There will be no meal tickets.
To secure housing & meals, please complete registration form. For questions regarding housing & meals, please contact JMU Conference Services at:
(540) 568-3606
Coursework & Credit
What will I learn and do during my two weeks at JMU?
Each day will run approximately from 8:00am to 5:30pm. Expect several hours of homework each evening. (A Kodály course is a lot of work, but we promise it will be well worth it!)
Course participants will have 2 hours each day of personal musicianship training, using solfege, rhythm syllables, and other tools. Some students come in never having learned solfege before, so if you haven't read in solfege or if you're shaky, don't worry! Our instructors start at the beginning.
If you're already an excellent sight-reader and very experienced in solfege, you will still be challenged in Solfege I. You will be asked to take your skills to new and deeper levels. Also, you will find the methods and activities at this level very valuable in terms of teaching solfege to your own students.
- Level I Solfege is based primarily, but not completely, on pentatonic music.
- Level II Solfege deals with diatonic music and begins work on modes.
- Level III Solfege deals with diatonic, modal, and chromatic music.
You will have 2 hours each day of instruction in Kodály-inspired Pedagogy.
- Level I focuses on early-childhood through 2nd grade pedagogy.
- Level II focuses on 3rd and 4th grade pedagogy.
- Level III focuses on 5th grade through middle school pedagogy.
If you are a secondary level teacher, JMU instructors will help you to adapt beginning-, intermediate-, and advanced-level pedagogy and materials to the grade levels you teach. Many of our course participants have been choral conductors and even band and orchestra directors, and have found the instruction to be extremely valuable.
Pedagogy instruction includes:
- philosophy and history of the Kodály approach
- singing
- moving (games, dances, free and creative movement)
- reading and notating music
- playing instruments
- audiating
- improvising and composing
- lesson planning
- long-range planning
- differentiating
- developing artistry
Materials/Folksong Research
You will have 90 minutes of Materials instruction each day. During Materials you will learn about choosing excellent quality, appealing songs and other materials for your students, authentic and responsible collection of song material, and analyzing songs so that they become more useful as teaching materials. You will also begin the process of organizing your collected song material in a retrieval system based on the musical concepts you teach.
You will be amazed at the time this will save you in lesson planning and how much more effective you can become as a teacher when your materials are well organized!
As you can probably guess, Pedagogy and Materials courses are closely related.
Other experiences and topics in Materials:
- folk dancing
- folk instruments
- multi-cultural music
You will have 70 minutes of Conducting each day. This Conducting course is designed to build your conducting skills from your current skill level, wherever that is. Each year our course includes everyone from novice to expert conductors. The atmosphere in class is positive, supportive, and collegial.
You will have 70 minutes of Ensemble each day. This is primarily a choral experience, but often includes recorder and other instruments, depending on the talents of the year's participants. The goals of Ensemble are to share a satisfying musical experience, to learn new repertoire, and to use your developing solfege skills.
For the 2025 summer, the JMU Kodály Training will be offered as a workshop or for credit*. Information for credit may be found below, and to apply for credit, please complete the registration form.
Workshop Fee: $950 (workshop fee is not paid when taking for credit)
For credit in-state: $1,683.00 (3 credit course)
For credit out-of-state: $3,873.00 (3 credit course)
JMU will provide a letter documenting contact hours (85 for a Kodály Level workshop) for workshop attendees.
*If taking JMU Kodály Training for credit, register for either MUED 501 OP01 #51313 - Kodály Workshop Level One or MUED 501 OP02 #51314 - Kodály Workshop Level Two.
NOTE: A $100.00 deposit is necessary to reserve your spot. Those paying for credit will have the $100.00 reimbursed once tuition has been paid.
Registration closes June 1st. Workshop and course fees will not be reimbursed after June 15th.
Contact for JMU Kodály Teacher Training
For further information, please contact:
Dr. Rachel Grimsby
School of Music, MSC 7301
James Madison University
Harrisonburg, VA 22807

Rachel Grimsby
Assistant Professor

Jo-Anne van der Vat-Chromy
Professor of Choirs, Conducting, and Music Education; Director of Choral Activities

Bryce Hayes
Associate Professor, Music Education; Associate Director of Choral Activities

Jonathan Rappaport