Your Current Location
To meet state authorization requirements and JMU's Academic Affairs Policy #14, it is very important that JMU knows the U.S. state or territory in which you are physically located when enrolled in your courses. The U.S. state or territory in which you are located at the time is called your "current location."
Unless you are located outside of the U.S. states and territories, you are required to verify your current location through MyMadison at the beginning of every semester. Your location might be different than what JMU considers your local street address, your permanent address or what you consider your official home residence. Here are two examples:
- Your permanent home address is North Carolina. Last semester, you lived in Harrisonburg. However, this semester, you are enrolled in an internship course and living in Wisconsin. Therefore, your location for this semester is Wisconsin.
- Your permanent home address is in Maryland. You take all of your courses online and live at your permanent home address. Thus, your location is the same as your permanent home address.
Before each semester begins, you will be asked to login to MyMadison (mymadison.jmu.edu) and "check in." You will check in through the Student Center section (see image below). You will indicate your current location in the Class Schedule section of the form. Instructions for completing that section are available at MyMadison Tutorial: Check-in Tutorial.