The James Madison University Army ROTC program annually participates in the Army Ten-Miler race held in Washington D.C. each October.  Approximately 35,000 soldiers, retired personnel, family members, and ROTC Cadets run the race each year in support of Army soldiers and their families. The JMU Duke Battalion trains a team of dedicated runners to compete while showing their pride for our country and its Soldiers.

Our Ten-Miler Team begins training in August for the October race. While conducting physical training and running between 15 and 25 miles during the week, the team builds up their endurance and dedication for the event. The event is much more than tying up your sneakers and hitting the road running. The support from one runner to another along the 10-mile course is unlike anything most Americans have ever experienced. The Army Ten Miler is a strong motivator to ROTC Cadets for the purpose of developing leadership skills and serving the nation. We have a dedicated trainer that prepares our cadets for the race and helps them in many other ways that relate to physical fitness and nutrition.

At the 2023 Army Ten-Miler, JMU received the “Top ROTC Program Participation” award, sending more Cadets than any other school in the country. Go Dukes!

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