After the National Anthem and JMU scores a touchdown, listen for the loud report from the 3 pound cannon and carriage replica from the Revolutionary War. The cannon is voluntarily manned by a group of JMU ROTC cadets during each home football game and other special events. The Cannon Crew learns the commands and functions of the equipment that is used during regular firing of the cannon, and learns more about the Field Artillery Branch. If you would like to be a part of the Cannon Crew, contact the Cannon Crew Commander.
Participating in Cannon Crew is a great way for a cadet to develop leadership skills, discipline, and represent the JMU Duke Battalion. Cadets who volunteer are giving their time for the JMU Alumni, current students, and citizens of the Harrisonburg community who enjoy attending a JMU home football game.
- Not a JMU Duke Battalion Cadet? Still want to see the cannon in action? Come visit the Cannon Crew during regular season home football games! The Cannon Crew is located at the top of the Godwin steps, right off Bluestone Drive.
The JMU ROTC Department is grateful for the permanent loan of this cannon from Shirley McGatha, wife of the late Charles McGatha, a Korean War veteran, and founder of Mott's Artillery, a Revolutionary War re-enactment group from New Jersey. You can find more information about the cannon and the group at mottsartillery.org
3 Pounder (Smoothbore) Revolutionary War Replica Cannon
Revolutionary War Era Style Carriage
Tube Length: 60 inches
Tube Weight: 884 pounds
Bore Diameter: 3.67 inches
Range: 1520 yards
Material: Bronze