The United States Military Academy at West Point has established the Army Cyber Institute as a center for studying cyber threats to the U.S. Army, as well as producing future Cyber Leaders. The Institute runs a program called the Cyber Leader Development Program (CLDP) to develop West Point Cadets, and now ROTC cadets, into intelligent Cyber officers, prepared to take on the task of bringing the Army into the next century of Cyber Warfare.
Our goal, as the JMU Army ROTC Cyber/Technology Leader Development Group is to mirror this mission that West Point has set forth. The Cadets in the Cyber/Tech Group are working together to become more informed about the different Cyber threats and technologies that exist to the future Army they will be commissioning into. We are learning, in a hands-on, engaging, and very interesting environment, about Cyber Defense, computer forensics, and technological capabilities. Some of our activities include:
- Learning about Computer Science and Networking related topics.
- Learning about different vulnerabilities in different Computer and Network Systems.
- Running different exercises to analyze how different vulnerabilities are exploited
- Hosting professional speakers in the Cyber Security workforce.
- Participating in local and regional Cyber Security conferences and competitions
We are planning to expand our reaches to dive even further into the world of Cyber Security and develop the best Cyber Security oriented officers we can!