Associate Professor Emeritus
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Ph.D. Ohio University
M.S. Ohio University
B.A. Marietta College
Dave Wendelken has been teaching at JMU since 1975. He holds a B.A. in history from Marietta College and an M.S. in journalism and a Ph.D. in speech from Ohio University.
Wendelken worked as an adviser to the Breeze for 25 years. He founded and still advises three publications at JMU: Curio, a general interest community feature magazine (1978); Madison 101, an orientation guide (1999); and South Main, a campus feature magazine (2000). Both the Breeze and Curio have won the highest national awards from the Society of Professional Journalists and the Associated Collegiate Press while he served as an adviser. He was named as a Distinguished Magazine Adviser by the College Media Advisers, an award given on an average of once every three years.
Wendelken started the local campus chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists and serves as a co-adviser. He has been extensively involved with desktop publishing since converting the Breeze to a Macintosh-based system in 1986.
Teaching Interests: Feature Writing, Feature Magazine Production, News Editing, Newspaper Production, Desktop Design and Publishing
Research/Creative Activities: College Journalism Advising, Desktop Design and New Technologies, Career and Influences of John Randolph of Roanoke