Student Employment posts off-campus part-time jobs to assist students in securing part-time employment regardless of their financial aid eligibility. Additionally, the program is centered on creating real-world experiences for students that will not only increase self-knowledge, but develop marketable skills that will provide a solid foundation for securing career options beyond graduation. Jobs are posted on the off-campus job announcement page. Please check on a regular basis for jobs including but not limited to: childcare positions, tutors, administrative assistants, servers, and many more!
What you need to know to avoid job scams
Job Posting Disclaimer
JMU Student Employment acts only as an intermediary between employers posting job opportunities and candidates searching for part-time employment opportunities. All hiring and compensation for work performed by student employees is handled directly between the student and the employer.
All job postings are posted at the discretion of Student Employment. We will not post jobs that appear to discriminate against applicants on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, age, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, disability, or gender. Student Employment also reserves the right to refuse to post jobs that do not support the interests of the university.
Although Student Employment works hard to verify the authenticity and/or legitimacy of the positions that are posted, we do not guarantee or take responsibility for (a) the truthfulness, accuracy, quality, safety, morality, desirability or legality of employer information and position listings, (b) the ability of employers to offer job opportunities, or (c) the hiring, recruiting or other practices of any employer.
Students are urged to perform due diligence in researching employers when applying for or accepting private, off-campus employment.
Evaluating Job Postings
Wondering if a job posting is a scam or not? If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. It is very important for you to educate yourself about potential scams. Here are some good tips that the job is probably fraudulent:
- The promise of a large salary for very little work.
- Positions that ask you to give credit card or bank account numbers, or copies of personal documents.
- Jobs that ask for an initial investment and/or for you to send payment by wire service or courier.
- Positions in which you are offered a large payment or reward in exchange for allowing the use of your bank account - often for depositing checks or transferring money.
- While there are legitimate opportunities for individuals to work from home, be sure to research the position (Envelope Stuffers, Home-based Assembly Jobs, Online Surveys) in advance of applying.
- The contact email address contains the domain
- The posting includes many spelling and grammatical errors.
- The position initially appears as a traditional job but upon further research, it sounds more like an independent contractor opportunity.
- You receive an unexpectedly large check (checks are typically slightly less than $500, generally sent or deposited on Fridays.
- You are asked to provide a photo of yourself.
- The posting neglects to mention what the responsibilities of the job actually are. Instead, the description focuses on the amount of money to be made.
- Watch for anonymity. If it is difficult to find an address, actual contact, company name, etc, this is cause to proceed with caution. Fraudulent postings are illegal, so scammers will try to keep themselves well-hidden.
- When you Google the company name and the word "scam" (i.e., “Acme Company scam”), the results show several scam reports concerning this company.
- The employer contacts you by phone, however there is no way to call them back. The number is not available.
- The employer tells you that they do not have an office setup in your area, and will need you to help them get it up and running (these postings often include a request for your banking information, supposedly to help the employer make transactions).
If you suspect a position is fraudulent, please contact Student Employment. If you believe you are the victim of fraud resulting from a job listing, please contact the police, as well. Check out these links for additional advice and tips on determining whether the job, opportunity and/or company you’re applying for is legitimate:
- Job Hunting/Job Scams: Federal Trade Commission
- Tips for Job Seekers to Avoid Job Scams
For additional information regarding this disclaimer, contact Student Employment at (540)-568-3269 or