The Student Success Center offers different reservable spaces. The table below gives an overview of the spaces with the information on who can make a reservation, when the desired space can be reserved, and how to reserve that space.

The table below is best viewed at horizontal orientation on your device.


Who can reserve

When to reserve

How to reserve

Meeting Rooms 1075, 4049

Staff, Faculty, and Student Organizations

Follows the Event Scheduling Timeline

In Virtual EMS

Group Study Rooms A&B

Students, Staff & Faculty

During Business Hours

At the front desk in the Atrium or by calling 540-705-6081

Information Table

Students, Staff & Faculty

Follows the Event Scheduling Timeline

In Virtual EMS (Submit a Request under Info Table, Patio and Commons Spaces)

Collection Box Space

Students, Staff & Faculty

Follows the Event Scheduling Timeline

In Virtual EMS (Submit a Request under Advertising, Collection Boxes, Promotional Spaces)

* Access to rooms outside event hours results in a fee of $25 per hour. A partial hour is not prorated, it is charged at the full hourly rate. Larger events also pay a housekeeping fee. 

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