A self paced certificate program that focuses on the daily job responsibilities of administrative support staff at James Madison University. The certificate program has three areas of emphasis: finance, information technology, and training development workshops, each focusing on specific content areas.
JMU Administrative support staff manage an ever-changing landscape of activities, policies, and procedures. This certificate program is designed to introduce you to ‘need to know’ information surrounding all support level duties on campus and introduce you to the people who are our JMU content experts. You don’t have to be an administrative assistant to participate though.
Decide you want to participate! Complete the Notice of Intent to Participate and send this to the Talent Development Department, MSC 5808 or td@jmu.edu. You will need to take all of the classes required as of the date of this form.
The Talent Development Department web page will identify workshops that are being offered and will specifically identify module and course numbers that apply. Finance and Information Technology (IT) workshops will also identify module and course numbers that will be applicable.
You will track your own progress on the Administrative Assistant Certificate Program Tracking Sheet. Simply note the date that you completed the workshop. Once you have completed all required courses, verify your checklist with your training record in MyMadison and keep in a safe place. Tracking sheets and materials are due by the deadline set by Talent Development (typically December).You will receive information on the final steps to receive your certificate prior to the annual AACP event in April.
The AACP is designed to be completed within three years. Some workshops may need to be repeated if they are not attended within the three year timeframe in order to receive a certificate.
Course and the availability of presenters are factors that impact course offerings.
No. For training purposes under the AACP, you do not need to complete this form. However, if you will have job requirements related to these systems, you will need to have an access form approved and on file.
Courses will be offered once throughout the year based on presenter availability. When possible, multiple workshops on the same topic will be scheduled based on wait list numbers.
The Talent Development Department will be celebrating the accomplishments of those who complete the program at an annual event.