The Talent Development (TD) Competency Model highlights eight (8) areas of ability necessary for you to do your best work so you can reach your personal and professional goals. We have created a certificate program which gives you the opportunity to explore the learning landscape covered by the eight TD Competencies. These competencies were developed based on extensive research collecting input from supervisors and managers from throughout the JMU campus identifying specific skills and behaviors needed to be a successful employee at JMU.

Whether you are a new employee looking to grow your skills or a seasoned professional who wants to take it to the next level, there is something for everyone. Each Talent Development workshop is tagged by competency and level (Fundamental, Intermediate, and Advanced) to help you find the training that best suit your needs. You can locate these tags at the bottom of each workshop webpage.

Complete one (1) workshop in each TD Competency category (8 workshops total) to earn a "The Places You'll Grow!" Certificate of Completion to mark your achievement. If you have questions during your journey around the TD Competency Model, please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing or calling 568-4104.

Please note: To be eligible for certificate program credit all workshops must be taken after 2/15/2019.

If you would like more information about this certificate program, please join us for The Places You'll Grow Info Session (TD2425)

How to get started:
  1. Step One: Read through the competency descriptions below and decide where you'd like to begin.

    • Administrative Skills workshops are designed for individuals who would like to increase awareness and understanding of working in or managing an office at JMU.

    • Communication workshops are designed for individuals, teams or departments that would like to increase awareness and understanding of both effective and ineffective communication practices.

    • Engagement, Accessibility and Belonging workshops are designed to increase workplace practices and attitudes that reflect JMU’s goal to be an inclusive community that values the richness of all individuals and perspectives.

    • Customer Service workshops are designed for individuals who would like to increase awareness and understanding of effective customer service practices. 

    • Supervision/Management workshops are designed for individuals who would like to increase awareness and understanding of supervision best practices.

    • Team Building workshops are designed for individuals, teams or departments that would like to increase awareness and understanding of team dynamics and how to work effectively together.

    • Leadership workshops are designed for individuals who would like to increase awareness and understanding of leadership best practices. 

    • Work/Life Wellness workshops are designed for individuals who would like to increase awareness and understanding of personal growth areas like stress management, professional etiquette and personal finance.

  2. Step Two: Visit the Talent Development workshop schedule. Filter your search by the competency you chose and review your options.

  3. Step Three: Enroll for the workshop through MyMadison, and attend the session.
After Each Workshop:
  1. Step One: Find the competency area on your Places You'll Grow Tracking Sheet and note the Workshop TD# and Date you completed the workshop.

  2. Step Two: Choose your next area of focus, explore available workshops that link to that competency, enroll for the workshop through MyMadison, and attend the session. 

  3. Step Three: Continue until you have completed one workshop in each of the eight (8) competency areas.

When you’ve attended one workshop in each competency, send your tracking sheet to TD to receive a Certificate of Completion.

Only one LinkedIn Learning course may be completed for this certificate in the event a workshop is not available.

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