Workshop Classifications
Level: Fundamental
Type: Single Session
Competency: Engagement/Accessibility/Belonging
Note: This workshop is capped at 35 participants
Total Workshop Time: 3 Hours
Pre-requisites: None
I just want to do the right thing. I just want to do the right thing. I just want to do the right thing. Wait a minute. What is the right thing? Sound familiar? We know that leaders, supervisors and managers must have integrity. Integrity is defined as "firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values". Therein lies the challenge. As leaders, we are expected to do the right thing. But, how do we do the right thing when everyone's "right thing" might be different.
Join us as we explore the challenging relationship between leadership and ethics.
In this session participants will:
After this session participants will:
Facilitated by: Kacey Damaty, Assistant Director, Ethical Reasoning in Action
Level: Fundamental
Type: Single Session
Competency: Engagement/Accessibility/Belonging