
Note: This workshop is capped at 35 participants

Total Workshop Time: 3 Hours

Pre-requisites: None


This session focuses on the "nuts and bolts" of handling conflict effectively. You will learn to have the right perspective on conflict, ask the right questions and use the right words so that conflict becomes a productive part of building relationships, rather than something to be avoided.

In this workshop participants will:

  • Be introduced to the Harvard Project on Negotiation and Difficult Conversations model
  • Analyze their approach to personal and work related difficult conversations to make conflict more productive
  • Learn practical steps to help make challenging conversations more productive while protecting the relationship

This workshop is based on the book Difficult Conversations by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, Sheila Heen and Roger Fisher.

Facilitated by: Professional Development Specialist, Talent Development

Workshop Classifications

Type: Single Session

Level: Fundamental

Competency: Communication

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