
Note: This workshop is capped at 35 participants.

Total Workshop Time: 1 hour

Pre-requisites: None


Watching a 30-second video of baby animals can increase your emotional resiliency. It’s hard to believe, isn’t it? But, it’s true. 

According to Jane McGonigal, the author of SuperBetter, increasing your physical, mental, emotional, and relational resiliency is easier than you think. In her book, McGonigal offers 100 “quests” you can take to build control of your attention, turn anyone into a potential ally, and increase your natural capacity to motivate yourself and supercharge your heroic qualities. Heroic qualities? Yep, heroic qualities. During our time together, we’ll practice several of her short and playful activities. And, try not worry. There are no superhero capes involved. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss why resiliency matters and where it comes from. 
  • Learn about the 4 areas of our life where resiliency can be increased. 
  • Practice short activities that aid in building resilience. 

Facilitated by: Director, Talent Development

Upcoming Classes

Workshop Classifications

Type: Single Session

Level: Fundamental

Competency: Work/Life Wellness

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