NOTE: The information on this page is specific to students transitioning from the ISC Study Group Program to JMU's undergraduate degree program. Undergraduate students enrolled directly at JMU should visit the Academic Advising website.

Holds are service indicators that may be placed on your account in MyMadison. Some holds are for informational purposes, and some may prevent you from enrolling in classes, requesting a transcript, or receiving other services on campus. Contact the department that placed the hold on your account for further information. Be sure to take care of any business well in advance of registration each semester.
Holds that can appear on ISC student records:
No enrollment activity - placed by the Office of the Registrar. This hold is placed on all ISC student records while in the ISC. This hold will prevent you from making changes to your schedule. If you would like to add or drop a class from your schedule while you are in the ISC, please consult with the ISC Student Success Manager. If the Student Success Manager approves, this hold will be removed temporarily to allow you to make the change.
No enrollment activity-Advisor - placed by the Office of the Registrar. This hold appears on all incoming JMU student records. This will appear on all ISC student records in their final semester of the ISC and will be removed prior to registration for JMU classes.
No initial registration - placed by University Advising. This hold will be placed on ISC student records during their final semester in the ISC. This hold indicates that the student must meet with the International Academic Advising Coordinator before registering for their first semester of undergraduate classes at JMU. This hold will be removed when the student is allowed to enroll in undergraduate classes at JMU. If you have questions about this hold, please contact the International Academic Advising Coordinator.
No enroll activity, trans/dip - placed by the Center for Global Engagement (ISSS). This hold prevents enrollment, and access to official JMU transcript and diploma, due to missing immigration information. If you have questions about this hold, please contact the Center for Global Engagement - International Student and Scholar Services (CGE-ISSS).
Positive Ser Indicator-Display - placed by the Center for Global Engagement (ISSS). This hold remains on your record. It does not prevent enrollment; it does not stop you from registering for classes. It is there to inform you and your advisor that you are an international student studying at JMU on a visa and that there are certain things you might do or discuss with offices around campus that may impact your immigration status. If you ever have questions about how your academic decisions may impact your immigration status, contact the Center for Global Engagement - International Student and Scholar Services (CGE-ISSS).
Do not print bill – placed by the University Business Office. This hold indicates that you pay tuition to Study Group while you are in the ISC. After successful completion of the ISC and progression to the JMU undergraduate program, this hold will be removed and you will begin paying your tuition directly to JMU. For more information on how to pay JMU tuition, contact the University Business Office.